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House Republicans Welcome Executive Action on Western Water

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House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) and Representatives Devin Nunes (CA-22), David G. Valadao (CA-21), Jeff Denham (CA-10), Ken Calvert (CA-42), Tom McClintock (CA-4), and Doug LaMalfa (CA-1) released the following statement today on President Trump’s executive memorandum on western water: “The President’s announcement is an immense relief for the farmers and families of the San Joaquin V... Read More »

Nunes Introduces Bill to End Capital Gains Taxes on Inflation

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Congressman Devin Nunes (CA-22) has introduced a bill in the House of Representatives to eliminate capital gains taxes on inflation. By ending this unfair tax, the Capital Gains Inflation Relief Act (H.R 6444) will encourage both individual and business investment that will expand the economy and create jobs. “This bill will continue the tax-cutting trend that began with the tax relief bill last y... Read More »

Nunes visits troops in Kosovo

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As Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, I have the privilege of traveling throughout the world to visit our troops stationed overseas. Every one of these trips reminds me of the incredible dedication and courage that infuses the U.S. military, and the huge sacrifices our service members make for our nation. My recent visit to Kosovo was no exception, and I’d like to thank these soldiers f... Read More »

Senate's turn: House passes CA water bill

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The House of Representatives today passed a comprehensive water bill, the GROW Act (H.R. 23), that would resolve the perpetual water crisis in the San Joaquin Valley. Introduced by Rep. David Valadao, this legislation is vital for many Valley families and communities that are suffering from the debilitating effects of our water crisis. Although the Valley is still benefitting from our recent big r... Read More »

U.S. service-members: Our nation's #1 defense asset

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Last week I traveled to military facilities in several areas of the United States to get briefings on military, intelligence, and missile-defense issues. I spoke to officers, junior enlisted service-members, and customs and border protection officials to get a comprehensive review of the country’s defense posture. I also had the opportunity to pay tribute to a military intelligence professional—wh... Read More »

Just what the doctor ordered on healthcare

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Yesterday the House of Representatives took a big step toward abolishing the failing Obamacare system and replacing it with something much better, both for Central Valley residents and for Americans across the nation. I have worked for years on these sorts of free-market healthcare reforms, and they’re needed now more than ever—Obamacare is collapsing before our eyes as premiums skyrocket and insu... Read More »

Nunes Statement on Passage of Healthcare Bill

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Congressman Devin Nunes (CA-22) released the following statement today after the House of Representatives passed the American Health Care Act: “The House of Representatives took a big step today toward abolishing the failing Obamacare program and replacing it with a system that provides much better care at lower prices. Central Valley residents have been saddled for far too long with high prices, ... Read More »

Defying the global warming alarmists

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President Trump today signed an executive order that could expand offshore energy drilling. Among other measures, the order rolls back an executive order issued in the final weeks of the Obama presidency that banned energy drilling in hundreds of millions of acres of offshore land. As a long-time advocate of offshore energy exploration, I believe it's utterly absurd to ban ourselves from developi... Read More »

A few reports on the Russia investigation

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A few reports on the House Intelligence Committee's Russia investigation came out today that I'd like to share with you: Victor Davis Hanson, Devin Nunes and Washington’s Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery inside an Enigma Kim Strassel, What Devin Nunes Knows (Wall Street Journal subscription required) Fox News, Former intel officer: Nunes WH meeting was done right Read More »

Russia investigation, bin Laden documents, and tax reform: this week's interviews

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On Monday, I spoke to KMJ's Ray Appleton about a wide variety of local and national issues. To listen to the interview click here. On Wednesday I appeared on Special Report with Bret Baier to discuss the House Intelligence Committee's Russia investigation, the need to declassify the documents captured in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, and tax reform. Click here to watch the interview. On Th... Read More »

A premature victory dance by CA water agencies

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The recent storms in California have brought some relief to families and farmers suffering from the water crisis. Reservoirs are filling up for the first time in years, while the snowpack in the Sierra Nevadas has increased significantly. And yet, those who are rushing to declare an end to the crisis are acting on little besides hope. The problems that caused the crisis—laws and environmental reg... Read More »

Trump transition gets underway

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As a member of the executive committee of the Trump transition team, I'm gratified to see the future Trump administration starting to take shape. Today, the Trump team announced it is nominating Congressman Mike Pompeo as CIA Director, Congressman Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, and retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn as National Security Advisor. I think these are excellent candidates, partic... Read More »

Nunes Named to Trump Transition Team

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Congressman Devin Nunes (CA-22) released the following statement today after joining the executive committee of Donald Trump’s transition team: “Today I was honored to have been named to the executive committee of President-elect Donald Trump's transition team. In this role, I will advise President-elect Trump on the appointments of his Cabinet members and on appointments to other top positions in... Read More »

Nunes Introduces New Intern Program

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Congressman Devin Nunes (CA-22) is introducing a new internship program focused on developing technical communications skills. Participants in the program, the Technology and Education Center, will identify topics of public interest as the basis for communications projects. Using video, photography, and technical editing tools, interns will create audiovisual reports and presentations that will be... Read More »