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How to Submit a New Request

All House Members are notified that the Commission on Congressional Mailing Standards (Franking Commission) will only accept new Advisory Opinion requests that are submitted through the new online portal (hosted on the House network), beginning on October 2, 2017. This new resource will give Member and Committee offices the ability to submit new requests, track the status of existing requests, verify requests for final approval, and access Advisory Opinions for records and reimbursements.

After October 2, paper-copy Advisory Opinion requests to the Franking Commission will no longer be accepted.

The Online Portal is located here:

Instructions can be found here

The staff contact should be notified by email within 3 business days as to whether the request has been deemed Frankable or if Revisions need to be made.

Note: All revisions must be submitted and reprocessed before you can distribute the communication

Once you receive your Preliminary Approval from the Commission, you may distribute your communication.


*The Franking Commission will be accepting new requests using the traditional method below until October 1, 2017

You must submit to the Franking Commission the following 2 forms and 1 copy of your communication (Dem offices may drop off in 1307 LHOB or fax to 202.225.7664):  

  • Advisory Opinion Request Form & Franking Certification Form - (signed by your Staff contact)
  • One copy of the communication you wish to submit (phone script, e-mail, advertisement, etc.) as the constituent will view it.
  • (If a digital communication) a screenshot of the first page of any embedded link in the main text of the communication

Final Approval (Receipt of your Advisory Opinion)

You must finalize all requests submitted to the Franking Commission. Once your staff contact for the request receives a Preliminary Approval e-mail you must then provide the Franking Commission:

  • 4 original copies of the communication as it was distributed for an Advisory Opinion (Final Approval)