Contact Form

Contact Form

Note: Fields marked with an * are required.

Thank you for taking the time to share your concerns with me. It is an honor to continue serving the people of Nevada in the U.S. Senate, and hearing from constituents is a top priority.

Though my office receives thousands of letters, phone calls, faxes, and e-mails each week, I will make every effort to ensure that you receive a timely and accurate response. Due to the large volume of mail, I am only able to respond to those messages from Nevada constituents. If you are a Nevada resident currently serving in the military or temporarily residing outside the state, please mention your home address in your message. 

I look forward to hearing from you!

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Pursuant to Senate Policy, petitions, opinion polls and unsolicited mass electronic communications cannot be initiated by this office for the 60-day period immediately before the date of a primary or general election. Subscribers currently receiving electronic communications from this office who wish to unsubscribe may do so here.