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Congressman Lacy Clay

Representing the 1st District of Missouri

Clay Applauds Passage of Emergency Education/Medicaid Jobs Bill, Border Security Act

August 10, 2010
Press Release

STEVEN ENGELHARDT (314) 504-4029


Clay Applauds Passage of Emergency Education/Medicaid Jobs Bill, Border Security Act
House Moves Quickly to Save Jobs, Secure the Border

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Wm. Lacy Clay (D) Missouri praised today’s passage of two emergency measures that will help secure the borders and save over 300,000 American jobs. H.R. 1586, the Education Jobs and Medicaid Assistance Act, passed the House by a vote of 247 to 161. H.R. 6080, the Emergency Border Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, provides a total of $600 million to strengthen border security and it is fully paid for. It was approved by a voice vote.

"Today, Democrats in the U.S. House stepped up to save over 300,000 American jobs and help hard-strapped states maintain vital healthcare for our most vulnerable citizens,” said the Congressman. “We accomplished that at no additional cost to the taxpayer. While our Republican friends engaged in political nonsense, we acted to keep qualified teachers in classrooms and help keep health clinics open. That is not pandering to special interests, it is acting to protect every American’s vital interests. I regret that my Republican friends were more concerned about their vacations than doing the right thing for the American people.”

“I also want to commend the strong vote to deploy 1,500 additional U.S. Border Patrol personnel to the Southwest to improve border security and combat illegal immigration and drug smuggling," said Mr. Clay.