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I29 - Hwy200
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The NDDOT has the following GeoRSS feeds available for subscription. Please click on the link and add to your favorite RSS reader.

  • closures rss feed  closures georss feed  Road Closures (only) - feed that contains road closures
  • closures rss feed  closures georss feed  Road Closures/Incidents - feed that contains road closures/incidents, any restrictions associated with incident, travel speeds, date modified, end date, and comments
  • roads rss feed  roads georss feed  Road Conditions with Road Closures/Incidents - feed that contains road conditions, road closures/incidents, any restrictions associated with road condition, travel speeds, precipitation, visibility, and comments
  • warnings rss feed  warnings georss feed  Warning/Events with Road Closures/Incidents - feed that contains warning/events descriptions, road closures/incidents, any restrictions associated with warning/events, travel speeds, date modified, date effective, and comments
  • work zones rss feed  work zones georss feed  Work Zones - feed that contains work zones, any restrictions associated with work zone, and comments
  • width height rss feed  width height georss feed  Oversize/Overweight - feed that contain oversize/overweight restrictions associated with work zones, incidents, warnings, and events
  • current load restritions rss feed  current load restriction georss feed  Load Restrictions (Current) -feed that contains current NDDOT load restrictions
  • latest load restriction rss feed  latest load restriction georss feed  Load Restrictions (Future) - feed that contains latest NDDOT load restrictions
  • messages rss feed  Messages - feed that contains messages that the NDDOT feels are of interest to the traveling public

Additional information on RSS and GeoRSS can be found here. The NDDOT GeoRSS feeds use the GeoRSS-Simple format.