Congressman Donald Norcross

Representing the 1st District of New Jersey
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As leaders, we must ensure that our nation’s finances are balanced and that federal spending is sensible. Our government is most effective when it has a budget in place that minds the deficit and eliminates sequestration, but also funds critical programs. We need to address the national debt by cutting wasteful spending, boosting tax revenue and investing in programs that promote growth and create jobs.

I am working with my colleagues to achieve a responsible budget that properly funds national defense, provides more resources to heal our veterans and puts people back to work as we rebuild and strengthen our infrastructure.

More on Budget

Sep 28 2018
News Release
"Republicans in Congress once again chose to appease their billionaire buddies at the expense of New Jersey families."
May 8 2018
News Release
"The ‘moocher state’ Republicans that voted against Sandy aid in the first place are now trying to use every trick in the book to suck New Jersey dry."
Apr 12 2018
News Release
“Republicans either have short-term memories or are being purposefully hypocritical to fool the American people.”
Mar 22 2018
News Release
“This $1.3 trillion budget was negotiated behind closed doors and released at the eleventh hour with no time for real consideration."
Feb 12 2018
News Release
“Candidate Trump’s top promise was to provide a trillion dollars to repair our infrastructure, but after over a year in office, he’s only provided for his billionaire buddies."
Feb 9 2018
News Release
“After a career of leaving companies financially bankrupt, now Trump wants to make America morally bankrupt.”
Jan 22 2018
News Release
“Republicans hold the House… the Senate… and the White House – and for the first time in our country’s history, they caused a government shutdown under single-party control."
Jan 20 2018
News Release
“It should never have come to this. I’m deeply disappointed in my colleagues on the other side of the aisle for doing this, but am ready and willing to work together to get America back up and running."
Dec 21 2017
News Release
“Republican shortsightedness continues with this short-term funding bill that short-changes the American public. It fails to provide a much-needed raise to the minimum wage and ignores the needs of American workers, DREAMers, veterans, children and those struggling with the disease of addiction."
Dec 4 2017
News Release
“The tax scam that’s moving quickly through Congress crushes New Jersey families while rewarding billionaires and prioritizing corporate profits."