
Issues Home

  • Flooding

    Texas’ Congressional District 7 has been impacted by three major storms in the last three years; the Tax Day floods, the Memorial Day floods, and Hurricane Harvey. These flood events have caused millions of dollars in damage, and resulted in hundreds...

  • Taxes

    At the start of this Congress, small business optimism was low. Employers and workers needed relief from burdensome regulations in order to grow their business. Last year, we passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which slashed taxes for Main Street and ...

  • Border Security and Immigration

    Our nation was founded and built by immigrants yearning to breathe free. I believe we should continue building on that proud tradition by welcoming newcomers into our nation, while insisting that they learn and follow our language, laws, and history....

  • Budget

    “I place economy among the first and most important of republican virtues, public debt as the greatest of dangers to be feared.” ~Thomas Jefferson A balanced budget continues to be one of my highest long-term priorities. I believe the government shou...

  • Defense

    Service members on active duty, Guard, and Reserve forces and their families have made great personal sacrifices in defense of our nation. I am honored to have served four years as Chairman of the House Appropriations Military Construction and Vetera...

  • Economy & Jobs

    The United States is facing an urgent financial crisis that threatens our fiscal and economic stability. Our government is currently borrowing about 50 cents for every dollar we spend. Our debt is the number one threat to our security and our economi...

  • Education

    Thomas Jefferson said, “That all powers not delegated to the United States, by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States or to the people. To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specifically drawn arou...

  • Energy

    For years, House Republicans have been working on an all-of-the-above energy strategy that will lower gas prices and create jobs. All Houstonians know the importance of the oil and gas industry to our city and to the country. House conservatives are ...

  • Foreign Affairs

    As a capitalist nation, it is imperative that we encourage democracies through diplomatic efforts, including the development of free trade, and discourage nuclear arms development and terrorism. Supporting Israel is a matter of personal conviction fo...

  • Health Care

    Throughout my entire time in Congress, I have been a strong supporter of scientific and medical research. As a senior member of the Appropriations Committee, I’m proud of the work my committee has done to invest in life-saving medical research by inc...

  • Medicare

    The Status Quo is Unsustainable Nearly one-in-three primary care doctors limit the number of Medicare patients they see. More than half of doctors say the President’s health care law will compel them to close or restrict their practices to Medicare p...

  • NASA

    As the Chair of the House Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies (CJS) Appropriations Subcommittee, which funds NASA, I am focused on ensuring that NASA receives the funding and guidance necessary to maintain our leadership in space. While ...

  • Oversight Letters

    One of the most important functions of Congress is its oversight power of the Executive Branch. I am a regular author or signatory of letters from Members of Congress to various governmental agencies requesting clarification, additional information, ...

  • Restoring Congressional Authority

    Five years ago, we put in place an earmark ban with the best of intentions. Today, it is clear that the earmark ban has resulted in less transparency and an abdication of our constitutional duty. Among many other problems, the current earmark ban pre...

  • Second Amendment Rights

    The Second Amendment is written in plain English and clearly guarantees the individual right of every law-abiding American to keep and bear arms. I will not support any legislation that prevents Americans from responsibly exercising their Second Amen...

  • Transportation

    Building and maintaining a strong transportation infrastructure is vital to managing growth and ensuring the economic development of the 7th District and the entire state. METRO Rail: As a member of the Appropriations Committee, I have secured over ...

  • Veterans

    During his second inaugural address, President Lincoln instructed the country “to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan.” I agree with President Lincoln, and I believe that we must fulfill the promises made to...

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