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Congresswoman Karen Bass

Representing the 37th District of California


A strong commitment to education is the best investment for a strong economy and our future competitiveness in the global economy.  I am committed to strengthening our K-12 public school system, supporting our teachers, and ensuring all children receive a first-class education.  Reforms to No Child Left Behind must be made to end the one size fits all approach to learning and heavy emphasis on testing under the current education law.  Jobs requiring at least a two-year degree will grow twice as fast in the coming years as jobs requiring no college degree. It is essential that our students are adequately prepared for college and the cost of college tuition is affordable.  

For more information concerning my work and views on Education, please contact my Washington, DC office. I look forward to your feedback.

More on Education

May 10, 2018 Press Release

On the campaign trail, then-candidate Donald J. Trump asked the African-American community “What do you have to lose?” in reference to voting for him. When the Rep. Bass and members of the CBC executive leadership team met with President Trump in March 2017, the caucus answered his question in the form a 130-page policy document titled, “We Have A Lot to Lose: Solutions to Advance Black Families in the 21st Century.” President Trump never responded to the document. 

August 2, 2017 Press Release

“This is nothing short of an all-out attack against black and brown students country-wide working hard for a better future. The President redirecting resources from the civil rights division of the Department of Justice to attack affirmative action is just the latest example of an answer to his rally cry asking the black community what we have to lose.

April 23, 2017 Press Release

“It’s exciting to see the Congressional Art Competition in my district grow every year,” Rep. Bass said. “More and more students can see their art displayed in a professional manner, and can understand that we value their work and their courage in submitting.”

March 22, 2017 In The News

Rep. Bass Discusses CBC Meeting With Pres. Trump, Chairman Nunes Remarks on MSNBC:

Rep. Bass Discusses CBC Meeting With ABC 7 Eyewitness News Los Angeles:

March 22, 2017 Press Release

“The purpose of the meeting, which I think we made very clear, was to answer his question about what our community has to lose,” Rep. Bass said after the meeting. “It’s his budget, it’s his policy, it’s his rhetoric; all of these factors demonstrate what we stand to lose and in some cases, what we’ve already begun to lose in the first fifty days of his administration.”

March 22, 2017 Press Release

During the meeting, the CBC Members will provide the President with short- and long-term solutions he can act on during his presidency to advance the African-American community in the United States.   
“During the President’s campaign, he asked our community what we have to lose,” Rep. Bass said. “I think the Caucus is looking forward to answering this question and presenting options for the President to explore and hopefully implement.”