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Congresswoman Karen Bass

Representing the 37th District of California

Local Issues

My office is committed to fighting for the priorities of the California’s 37th Congressional District:

  • Jobs & Economic Recovery– Clearly, this is the most important priority for our nation. We must spur economic development by investing in infrastructure and industry within the United States as well as cutting taxes cuts for the poor and middle class
  • Civil Rights– Expand equal rights and opportunity to all communities, especially those who have been historically underserved and underrepresented
  • Education– Expand access to quality education for all. Address achievement gaps by ensuring excellent resources for all of our schools from Culver City to Los Angeles
  • Environment– Protect clean air, water, and land. Expand park access and resources, specially for parks and waterways in the 37th Congressional District, including the Ballona Creek, the Kenneth Hahn Park, and the LA River
  • Health Care– Protect gains made through the Affordable Care Act and expand access to health care for all. Assist with the successful implementation of Covered California.
  • Immigration– Support comprehensive immigration reform, protecting the rights of all residents, and supporting access to education and health, especially for youth
  • Human Services– Improve the foster care system and protect the social safety net
  • Senior Issues– Protect and preserve Social Security and Medicare
  • Transportation– Advocate for the American Fast Forward and 30/10 plan to transform transportation infrastructure in Los Angeles with 30 projects in the next ten years
  • Small Business– Expand access to capital and procurement opportunities

For more information concerning my work and views on local issues, please contact my LA office. I look forward to your feedback.

More on Local Issues

November 6, 2018 Press Release

“Tonight’s election was nothing short of historic.

“The United States House of Representatives will have more than 100 women Members of Congress for the first time ever, it will have two Latina Congresswomen from Texas for the first time ever, it will have one African American Congresswoman from Massachusetts for the first time ever, and it will also have two Muslim Congresswomen for the first time ever.

“This will also be the first time that there will be a check on this White House and this President. 

November 1, 2018 Press Release

“Adoption impacts millions of Americans every year,” Rep. Bass said. “Each November, we must take the time to further understand adoption and reassert our promise to continue to work to find solutions that help children find forever families. I’m especially encouraged by the growing inclusion of foster care and adoption in the definition of a modern family. Thanks to movies like Instant Family, which features a couple who stumbles into the world of foster care,  the stigmas of modern day adoption are quickly vanishing.

October 5, 2018 Press Release

“I’m pleased to see that the FAA Reauthorization Package has been signed into law,” said Rep. Bass. “Swift implementation of this bill, especially the factors designed specifically to address aircraft noise is absolutely paramount and should be a priority of the FAA. What I’ve said time and time again, though, is that this is not a time to celebrate. This bill does nowhere near what is required to address the harrowing noise that has tortured members of our community for years now.

September 26, 2018 Press Release

“I voted yes on this bill despite inadequate provisions to address noise for two reasons: first, the continuing inaction on FAA reauthorization and the looming funding deadline threaten to erode the agency’s ability to keep the flying public safe; and second, the bill was crammed with hundreds of last-minute provisions, including badly-needed funds for basic health care, and relief for people devastated by fires and floods,” said Rep. Bass. “But the reality is that this bill does nowhere near enough to address the screams and howls of 747s flying over our heads.

August 8, 2018 Press Release

You can view photos from the Culver City meeting here and the Mar Vista meeting here.

July 30, 2018 Press Release

“Although I first met Mr. Dellums when I was elected to Congress in 2010, I had followed his work for decades before that. His fiery opposition to the war in Vietnam and his adamant stance against apartheid in South Africa are just two examples of why he was such a progressive giant in these chambers and one of the most important national leaders on those issues. It was his bill that was passed that called for a U.S. trade embargo against South Africa and divestment of American companies there.

July 7, 2018 Press Release

“The level of anxiety about just what this administration could do next has increased with every town hall I’ve hosted since last January.” Rep. Bass said. “It is so important to hear the priorities of those I’ve been sent to D.C. to serve and represent. These forums give me the opportunity to not only report back on what has been happening in Washington, but to also hear about how I can better serve my community. I look forward to taking what was discussed back to Washington with me and continue working on the important issues raised.”

July 7, 2018 Event

Please join Rep. Karen Bass on Saturday, July 7th from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM at the Holy Name of Jesus School for my meeting: "Congressional Conversation: West Adams and Jefferson Park”

She has been visiting neighborhoods all across the 37th Congressional District, and now she is headed to meet with you and your neighbors in West Adams and Jefferson Park. This meeting will be an opportunity to meet you, listen to your concerns about your community, and discuss what is happening in Washington, DC.

June 27, 2018 Press Release

“This morning, the Supreme Court overturned 41 years of legal precedent to undermine the freedom of teachers, firefighters, police officers and all other public service workers to negotiate for decent pay and fair workplaces. I will continue to fight to strengthen our unions, to protect health care and retirement benefits, and to raise the wages of hardworking Angelinos.”