2018 Congressional Art Competition

“Hurricane Harvey Through Your Eyes”

(No other entries will be accepted)

2018 Congressional Art Competition Guidelines

The competition is open to high school students who are permanent residents within the 36th Congressional District of Texas (Newton, Jasper, Tyler, Polk, Orange, Hardin, Liberty, and Chambers counties, as well as portions of southeastern Harris County). Depictions “Hurricane Harvey Through Your Eyes” may include:  weather events; first responders; neighbors helping neighbors; disaster relief efforts; and other scenes from across Southeast Texas.  Artwork must be two-dimensional and can be no larger than 26” x 26” x 4”, including the frame (framing is not required). Artwork may not weigh more than 15 pounds. 

Accepted media includes: oil, acrylics, watercolor, pastels, colored pencil, pencil, charcoal, ink, markers (it is recommended that charcoal and pastel drawings be fixed); collage lithographs, silkscreen, block prints; mixed media, computer-generated art; and photography.  Artwork must be matted in order to display using push pins. 

Each entry must be original in concept, design and execution and may not violate any U.S. copyright laws. Any entry that has been copied from an existing photo (other than the student’s own), painting, graphic, advertisement, or any other work produced by another person is a violation of the competition rules and will not be accepted. Work entered must be in the original medium (that is, not a scanned reproduction of a painting or drawing).  The first place entry will be displayed for one year in a national exhibit, representing the people of the 36th District, in the Cannon Tunnel of the United States Capitol building in Washington, D.C.   Additionally, the first place recipient must be able to participate in the national awards reception in Washington, D.C.  Round-trip airfare and accommodations for two to Washington will be provided.  The second and third place entries will be displayed for one year in Congressman Babin’s Washington and District offices, respectively. 

First, second and third place winning artwork must be available for the entire year of the exhibition and cannot be returned to the students earlier. Students should, therefore, submit artwork they will not need for other purposes. Artwork must adhere to the policy of the House Office Building Commission. In accordance with this policy, artwork depicting subjects of contemporary political controversy or a sensationalistic or gruesome nature is not allowed. Full List of Rules for Students and Teachers

Intent to Participate Form Due Date: No later than February 16, 2018 

Teachers or home school students should complete and submit an Exhibit Inventory Form  to Ms. Beverly Ferguson, Regional Director of Community Relations, at tx36artcompetition@gmail.com or by Fax at (832) 780-0964. 

Submission Drop-Off Dates: March 5-9, 2018

Artwork entries will be accepted between March 5 and March 9, 2018 at Congressman Babin’s three District Offices:  Deer Park (832) 780-0966, Orange (409) 883-8075, and Woodville (844) 303-8934.  Artwork will not be accepted without a completed Student Information and Release Form

Notification of Acceptance:  March 22, 2018

Teachers will be notified by email with the names of students whose artwork reached the final jurying. 

Awards Presentation:  Location to be Determined:  April, 21, 2018

The event is free and open to the public. We invite all students, families, teachers and the general public to view this celebration of the great artistic talent of our local high school students. There will be hors d’oeuvres during the exhibition, followed by a short recognition program, culminating in the announcement of the winners of An Artistic Discovery.

Exhibition Opening in Washington D.C. – mid June (Date – To Be Announced)

Each year there is an event for the unveiling of the student artwork from all across the nation. The winning student will be invited to this forum and to visit Congressman Babin in Washington, D.C. (Travel will be provided to the winner from each Congressional District).