
Democrats are proud to stand with veterans who have endured great sacrifice to keep our nation safe and protect our freedom. When Democrats were in the White House and controlled Congress, we kept our promise to take care of our nation’s veterans, and we will continue to respond to the needs of veterans and their families.
Democrats updated the G.I. Bill for post-9/11 veterans to strengthen their access to higher education, and recently supported making the G.I. Bill a lifetime benefit for the first time in history. Democrats also expanded employment opportunities by bolstering veterans’ workforce programs and offering a tax credit to businesses that hire unemployed veterans.  Democrats in Congress are working to improve health care access and treatment for veterans by cutting red tape, modernizing VA hospitals, building VA outpatient clinics in communities where veterans live, and expanding the health services available under the VA.  Democrats also increased the number of VA mental health providers and social workers to meet increased demand, and expanded mental health services. 
Democrats are working to eliminate the VA disability appeals backlog so that veterans can receive their benefits in a more timely manner and with fewer errors occurring. We are also taking steps to help veterans, transitioning service members, and military spouses find employment, including launching the Veterans Employment Center, which provides a single location for veterans to look for well-paying jobs and utilize career resources and tools.

Veterans Related

"Today, as we mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of the end of the Persian Gulf War, we recognize the contributions of all our veterans who served in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. ...


“Tonight, President Obama reminded Congress and the nation that what makes America great is the spirit of service and hard work that manifests from realizing we are all bound together by a common cause. ...


WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today in recognition of Veterans Day:

“I join in marking Veterans Day, a day on which we honor the courageous men and women who have risked their lives in defense of our security and our freedom. We are forever grateful to those who served our nation in uniform and who gave so much to preserve the values of democracy, liberty, and equal opportunity upon which America was built.                    


The Secretary of Defense's announcement that a working group will be established to study the implications of permitting transgender Americans to serve openly in our military is welcome news.  


I joined with many other Members to oppose this year’s Military Construction and Veterans Affairs appropriations bill out of a deep concern that it does not adequately fund the needs of our nation’s veterans, while using a budget gimmick to get around the sequester cuts imposed by the Republican budget strategy. 


On Monday, the President released his budget for Fiscal Year 2016. His budget proposal builds on the strength of our economic recovery to make smart investments that will increase our nation’s competitiveness, while ensuring that working families share in the benefits of the recovery.


I was pleased to be on hand today as the President signed a bipartisan bill to ensure that our veterans receive the timely, quality health care they have earned through their service.


As the world marks the centennial of the outbreak of the First World War today, I join in remembering the service and sacrifices of so many American military personnel who answered the call to fight on distant shores in defense of democracy and values we hold dear.  


While I believe it is positive that the Acting Director reported this incident to the Inspector General, I am concerned that the current culture in the Baltimore office may have contributed to this occurring in the first place.


In nominating Robert McDonald to serve as our next Secretary of Veterans Affairs, President Obama has tapped the expertise and talents of a successful business leader.


I join in marking the seventieth anniversary of the enactment of the G.I. Bill, which helped millions of veterans of the Second World War afford higher education, attain homeownership, and train for civilian jobs in the post-war economy. 


Democrats continue to closely monitor reports of misconduct at Veterans Affairs health facilities, including the Phoenix VA Health Care System. 
