Michael Turner

Michael Turner


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Rep. Mike Turner Floor Speech on NDAA and Military Sexual Assault Reforms

2013-12-12 20:59:08

Congressman Mike Turner on Pearl Harbor Day

2013-12-07 17:27:44

Congressman Turner on WHIO at GM Moraine Plant

2013-11-26 16:52:45

Congressman Mike Turner One Minute Floor Speech on Sequestration Effects on Business

2013-11-20 17:40:13

Rep. Mike Turner Nov. 13 Floor Speech on Sequestration

2013-11-14 15:50:23

Congressman Mike Turner Talks about Child Custody Legislation

2013-11-07 16:42:15

On This Day: Ohio Natives Patent Cash Register

2013-11-04 20:54:24

Chairman Turner Opening Statement at Tactical Air and Land Hearing

2013-10-25 04:42:23

Turner Statement on Debt Ceiling Vote

2013-10-17 18:46:30

Congressman Turner Closing Statement on HR 3223 - Federal Employee Retroactive Pay Fairness Act

2013-10-05 15:07:47

Opening statements on HR 3223 the Federal Employee Retroactive Pay Fairness Act.

2013-10-05 15:02:15

Turner Floor Speech on Civilian Furloughs

2013-10-04 19:11:09

Varney & Co.

2013-09-20 17:48:24

Congressman Mike Turner Questions the Joint Chiefs of Staff Concerning Sequestration in FY 2014

2013-09-18 21:15:02

Congressman Mike Turner Questions Members of SIGTARP, the GAO, and the President's Auto Task Force

2013-09-17 20:57:15

Congressman Mike Turner Delivers Opening Remarks During House OGR Hearing

2013-09-17 20:57:01

Congressman Turner Challenges Secretary Hagel on Wright-Patterson Funds and Syria Costs

2013-09-10 19:52:58

Congressman Mike Turner Talks Syria and Seuqestration with Varney and Co

2013-09-09 19:15:31

Congressman Mike Turner Discusses U.S. Military Intervention in Syria and Sequestration (CNN)

2013-09-09 19:15:31

Congressman Mike Turner Talks with Neil Cavuto on Fox Business Concerning Action in Syria

2013-09-09 19:15:31

Contact Information

2239 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone 202-225-6465
Fax 202-225-6754

Committee Assignments

Armed Services

A lifelong resident of Dayton, Ohio, Congressman Mike Turner has family roots in Eastern Kentucky. His parents, Ray and Vivian, moved to Dayton in the 1950’s to take advantage of the job opportunities in the manufacturing industry. Mr. Ray Turner worked at General Motors, retiring after 42 years as a member of IUE local 801; and Mrs. Vivian Turner retired from teaching in the Huber Heights School District. Congressman Turner has two daughters, Jessica and Carolyn.

Congressman Turner attended Dayton Public Schools and graduated from Belmont High School. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Ohio Northern University in Ada, Ohio; an MBA from the University of Dayton in Dayton, Ohio; and a Juris Doctorate from Case Western University School of Law in Cleveland, Ohio. Prior to his election to Congress, Turner was in private practice and corporate law for 13 years.

Congressman Turner has a background of community activism having worked with not-for-profit groups focusing on neighborhood concerns, community development, housing code enforcement, and historical preservation. As the two-term Mayor of the City of Dayton, he was a strong proponent of neighborhood revitalization, crime reduction, increased funding for safety forces, economic development and job creation. He created Rehabarama, a private-public partnership to rehabilitate neglected housing in Dayton’s historic neighborhoods, which had significant economic impact on the region, and received national awards from the National Trust for Historic Preservation and the U.S. Conference of Mayors.

Also while serving as Mayor of Dayton, Congressman Turner established a development fund providing more than $19 million in grants for housing and job-producing projects. The development fund sparked investment which resulted in a renaissance of Dayton’s downtown, including a $130 million arts center, a minor league baseball stadium, river front development, loft and upscale housing, additional corporate headquarters, and redevelopment of the former Delco and Frigidaire brownfield area into an office, research, and industrial park. Under Mayor Turner’s leadership, the City of Dayton had a balanced budget for all eight years of his tenure (having not been balanced for the previous five years), added 54 police officers to the force, resulting in a nearly 40 percent reduction in police response time, and closed two adult movie theaters in residential neighborhoods, thus improving the quality of life for Dayton residents.

First elected to the 108th Congress and sworn in January of 2003, Congressman Turner was appointed to the Armed Services Committee, from which he assists Wright-Patterson Air Force Base located in Ohio’s Tenth District, and to the Government Reform Committee, which allows him to contribute his experience as a former mayor to government reform. Congressman Turner’s urban experience was called upon by then House Speaker Dennis Hastert who appointed him Chairman of the new Saving America’s Cities working group. The 24 Member working group was charged with developing goals and principles to help urban America by focusing on economic development issues and encouraging private sector investment in cities.

Continuing his work on urban issues, in the 109th Congress, Turner served as Chairman of the Government Reform Committee’s Subcommittee on Federalism and the Census. During his tenure he worked to help save the Community Development Block Grant program from being reduced in funding and combined with several other programs under the control of the U.S. Department of Commerce. In recognition of his efforts, Congressman Turner was the recipient of the American Planning Association’s 2005 Legislator of the Year Award and the U.S. Conference of Mayor’s 2005 National Legislative Leadership Award.

In the 111th Congress, as a member of the House Armed Services Committee, Turner was named the Ranking Member on the Strategic Forces Subcommittee. The Strategic Forces Subcommittee has jurisdiction over the nation’s nuclear arsenal, our military assets in outer space, the Department of Defense’s intelligence programs, and also over missile defense systems. Reelected to a fifth term in November of 2010, Congressman Turner served as Chairman of the House Armed Services Strategic Forces Subcommittee, and as a Member of the Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee for the 112th Congress.In January of 2011, Turner was appointed Chairman of the US Delegation to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Parliamentary Assembly – the inter-parliamentary organization of legislators from the countries of the North Atlantic Alliance. The Assembly provides a critical forum for international parliamentary dialogue on an array of security, political and economic matters.

In November of 2012, Congressman Turner was elected to represent the newly created 10th Congressional District, which includes all of Montgomery County, Greene County, and portions of Fayette County.  For the 113th Congress, Turner has been appointed Chairman of the House Armed Services Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee, which conducts oversight of ammunition programs, Army and Air Force acquisition programs, all Navy and Marine Corps aviation programs, National Guard and Army and Air Force National Guard and Reserve. The subcommittee also authorizes procurement and R&D programs to ensure that America’s soldiers and airmen are fully equipped to carry out their mission. This is critical not only to our national security, but to Ohio’s economy as well.  Congressman Turner will continue to serve as a member of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee.
In addition to his work on the House Armed Services Committee, Congressman Turner is a senior member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

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