Committee Assignments

U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs

The Banking Committee oversees legislation in areas including, but not limited to: banking, monetary policy, insurance, financial markets, securities, housing, community development and mass transit, international trade and finance, and economic policy. The Banking Committee also works to protect consumers in areas such as credit card, housing, and financial rates.

U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources

The Energy Committee oversees legislation and policy relating to: energy resources and development, including regulation, conservation, strategic petroleum reserves and appliance standards; nuclear energy; Indian affairs; public lands and their renewable resources; surface mining, Federal coal, oil, and gas, other mineral leasing; territories and insular possessions; and water resources.

U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation

The Commerce Committee's jurisdiction includes an array of issues including, but not limited to: communications, highways, aviation, rail, shipping, transportation security, merchant marine, the Coast Guard, oceans, fisheries, weather, disasters, science, space, interstate commerce, tourism, consumer issues, economic development, technology, competitiveness, product safety, and insurance.

United States Senate Committee on Rules and Administration

The Rules Committee oversees the rules and procedures within the Federal and Legislative government branches. The Committee has jurisdiction over federal elections, including the qualifications and credentials of Senators, contested elections, oversight of the Federal Election Commission and the Election Assistance Commission. The Committee oversees Senate procedures, rules, and buildings, and leads the planning of the Presidential Inauguration at the Capitol through the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies.

United States Senate Committee on Indian Affairs

The Indian Affairs Committee oversees policy and legislation related to American Indians. These issues include, but are not limited to, Indian education, economic development, land management, trust responsibilities, health care, and claims against the United States. Additionally, all legislation proposed by Members of the Senate that specifically pertains to American Indians, Native Hawaiians, or Alaska Natives.

United States Senate Committee on Aging

The Special Committee on Aging focuses on issues facing America's seniors, specifically Medicare, Social Security, and additional government programs for older Americans. While having no official legislative authority, the Aging Committee conducts research and investigations into policy matters affecting older citizens.