We need smart enforcement actions against unfair trade practices, but President Donald J. Trump’s actions to date have missed the mark and hurt American workers. In fact, the #TrumpTradeWar could cost the beverage industry over 20,000 American jobs.
Instead of holding China accountable for its unfair trade practices, the #TrumpTradeWar is harming Americans across the country. America’s soybean farmers are among those paying the price:
Who is hurt by the #TrumpTradeWar? American workers and manufacturers who are seeing layoffs due to President Donald J. Trump tariffs and economic policy. Democrats agree we need to address unfair trade practices, but President Trump’s scattershot approach doesn’t work.

The #TrumpShutdown is a very irresponsible action taken by President Donald J. Trump, who swore an oath to serve the American people and serve them well. It is unfortunate that shutting down government is a policy being pursued by Republicans to achieve what they can’t achieve through the democratic process.

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At noon today, I went to the Floor of the House to ask for unanimous consent to reopen the government by passing H.R. 7397, which is identical to the clean Continuing Resolution that the Senate approved on Thursday. It would have kept government open through February 8, putting hundreds of thousands of hardworking federal employees and contractors back to work. Unfortunately, Speaker Ryan did not even allow me to ask the question, gaveling the House into recess as soon as he... convened it.

Democrats have now offered three compromise agreements to forestall and end this unnecessary and costly Trump shutdown. Republicans and the President have rejected every one, instead opting to create chaos and shut large parts of the American people’s government down. Shame on them. Everyone knows who bears responsibility for this #TrumpShutdown and its continuation.

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