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Ranking Members Lowey and Yarmuth Call on Director Mulvaney to Adequately Fund Discretionary Programs

October 9, 2018
Press Release

​Today, House Appropriations Committee Ranking Member Nita Lowey (NY-17) and House Budget Committee Ranking Member John Yarmuth (KY-03) sent a joint letter to Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney, urging him to work with Democrats on a bipartisan agreement to raise discretionary spending limits and to adequately fund discretionary programs in the President's 2020 budget.

“For the 2020 budget and appropriations process to work smoothly, we must once again reach agreement on new discretionary limits as soon as possible,” wrote the members. "Non-defense investments are not only critical to economic growth and job creation, but also enhance our security in other ways, including through diplomacy, homeland security, law enforcement, and veterans’ health care."

Read a signed copy of the letter here.

115th Congress