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Congressman Tom Cole

Representing the 4th District of Oklahoma


America is a land of opportunity and a country that has always been comprised of immigrants searching for the promise of the American Dream. Just as we are a nation of immigrants, America is also a nation of laws, and those laws must be obeyed and enforced in order to maintain our social compact with one another as citizens of the United States. Therefore, securing our borders and stopping the flood of illegal immigrants must be a top priority for our nation.

Executive Orders

Without question, the flood of illegal immigrants at the southern border is due to the President Obama’s refusal to enforce our laws. I believe we should prioritize helping those who follow the legal process for coming to the United States and that the Administration should return those who enter America illegally to their country of origin as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, the president has chosen to evade Congress and act unilaterally and illegally. I strongly oppose his unconstitutional actions and the impact they will have on day-to-day life in Oklahoma. And I have supported successful efforts to stop the president's unconstitutional overreach in the courts. 

Sanctuary Cities

Certain Obama Administration policies have permitted local governments to ignore federal statutes and create “Sanctuary Cities” where illegal immigrants do not fear deportation based solely on their immigration status. The fact that President Obama supports any such policy anywhere in the United States is shameful. Recent events have shown that criminal aliens have used these areas as safe havens to avoid detection and deportation. For those reasons, I support legislation to protect our communities from illegal aliens and prevent state or local governments from ignoring federal law.  

Border Security

Our nation has many brave men and women who are working tirelessly to protect our borders. Their fight against illegal immigration is complex and ever-changing. To provide better enforcement, our border agents need access to innovative equipment and technology. They also need special instruction and training to do the important job of keeping our borders secure. That’s why I have supported legislation and policies to better equip, train and fund our border agent programs.


I support protecting businesses and American workers using verification systems that instantly check a worker's legal status; some states have instituted e-Verify. Employers should have the best tools to check an applicant’s work status quickly, accurately and efficiently. In addition, employers who knowingly hire illegal workers should be prosecuted.

More on Immigration

July 10, 2018 Weekly Columns
It is often said that the United States is a nation of immigrants. Indeed, other than our Native American population, that is true. Historically, the United States has been one of the most generous countries in terms of allowing people born in other parts of the world to legally enter the country and live the American dream. The U.S. currently accepts over a million immigrants a year legally. Despite this generous policy, many people continue to enter the country illegally.
February 6, 2018 Weekly Columns
After his first year in the White House, President Trump and his Administration have much of which to be proud. Their accomplishments have delivered actual results, and the country is continuing to reap the benefits of those changes. During his first State of the Union speech, the President reinforced those achievements – many of which will certainly be remembered as signature accomplishments of his Presidency. Looking forward, he outlined an optimistic future for our nation, with a strong legislative agenda for the next year.
December 4, 2017 Weekly Columns
In America, we are fortunate to be a land of opportunity and to be one that is shaped by immigrants from all over the world. Likewise, law and justice also shapes our nation. Many immigrants have entered the United States legally and have thrived. In recent years though, our nation has been home to millions of illegal immigrants, and the laws that are supposed to protect our borders have failed to do so.
September 7, 2017 Press Release
Washington, D.C. - Congressman Tom Cole (OK-04) released the following statement after President Trump announced his intention to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program in six months.
March 6, 2017 Weekly Columns
President Trump was elected in no small degree based on the economic and national security anxieties facing millions of working class Americans. He correctly identified with, and gave voice to, their anger and their frustration. Consequently, the tone of his campaign and the early days of his presidency were not exactly upbeat in tone. However, his Joint Address to Congress last week was a sharp and welcome change.
February 7, 2017 Weekly Columns
During the campaign, candidate Donald Trump stated that he was in favor of banning Muslims from coming to the United States. To quote: "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."
January 30, 2017 Press Release
Washington, D.C. – Congressman Tom Cole (OK-04) released the following statement after President Donald Trump signed an executive order temporarily restricting persons entering the United States from seven nations: Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Sudan. These nations have been known to harbor terrorism and to have been compromised by terrorism.
June 23, 2016 Press Release

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Tom Cole (OK-04) released the following statement after the Supreme Court upheld the ruling on blocking President Obama’s executive action on immigration. In United States v. Texas, the President’s Deferred Action plan would allow up to five million illegal immigrants avoid deportation.

November 19, 2015 News Stories

Fortune - Steven T. Dennis

Paul Ryan’s on a roll. The new House speaker set Democrats back on their heels this week with a proposal to hit the pause button on the U.S. acceptance of Syrian refugees, even as he forcefully put down anti-Muslim sentiment on his party’s right flank.

June 1, 2015 Weekly Columns

As President Obama’s time left in office draws to a close, it’s clear that he’s grasping at any and all opportunities to leave a legacy. He has either refused to work with or negotiate with lawmakers in the present Congress or failed to encourage a previously split-party Congress to find compromise. With his loss of a Democrat-led Senate, the president has now shown that when met with opposition to his policies, his arrogant answer will be to bypass Congress and act alone.
