National Defense and Military


Protecting Our Nation and Supporting Our Troops

The U.S. military carries out one of the most important responsibilities of government— the protection and security of the American people and their interests.  Our military service men and women are committed to securing our nation from those who wish to do us harm and serving our country across the globe.  Since the horrific terrorist attacks against our nation on September 11, 2001, they continue to serve in harsh, unforgiving conditions, rooting out our enemies and helping to rebuild war-torn nations. 

As we continue to combat terrorism abroad, we must make sure that our nation’s military men and women have the resources they need to pursue this dangerous enemy.  Since coming to Congress, I have been fully committed to ensuring the needs of our men and women in the military are met and that the federal government’s commitments are fulfilled.  I am proud to support the military men and women who have fought so valiantly in defense of our nation.  Service members have made tremendous sacrifices to preserve our way of life, and the American people are indebted to the men and women who served our nation. 

Learn More About:

Global War on Terror

Idaho National Guard