Veterans Affairs

Each year on November 11, we come together as individuals and as a nation to express our heartfelt gratitude to our veterans for the countless sacrifices they have made over the years on our behalf. Thanks to them, our nation is strong and free, and our American way of life of which we are so justifiably proud continues to be protected and preserved.

There is a reason why the United States has such a well-earned reputation for being the home of the greatest fighting force the world has ever known – our veterans. President Ronald Reagan always spoke with great admiration and appreciation of the incredible accomplishments of our nation’s military. Some people live their whole lives never knowing if they have been able to make a difference, he would say. Those who served in our Armed Forces do not have that problem. I thank all our nation’s veterans for their service.

Wyoming is home to two VA Medical Centers, one in Sheridan and another Cheyenne, as well as community based clinics in Casper, Gillette, Powell, Riverton, Rock Springs and Newcastle.  Our current health care facilities provide top-notch care, but I believe veterans across Wyoming should have even more access to quality healthcare. Our veterans population is growing with current deployments and we are home to a large number of World War II, Korea, Vietnam, and now Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. When the Senate debates any legislation related to veterans care, we must consider the care of all veterans.

In 2014, Congress created the VA Choice program to help veterans get care in their communities. Unfortunately, Wyoming veterans experienced delays and limited access to care under the program. I worked with the Department of Veterans Affairs to help its leaders better understand how our state faces unique Veterans Health Care issues because of its frontier nature. While VA Choice is being replaced with a new program, I continue to work with my colleagues on the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee to ensure that new versions of community care programs for our veterans takes into account the unique challenges that rural and frontier health care networks face. We owe the highest debt to our veterans. Let us repay that and honor their selfless service by providing them the care they deserve.


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