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Congressman Gus Bilirakis

Representing the 12th District of Florida

Important Information for Veterans

Health Care

In the 113th Congressman Bilirakis joined the Energy and Commerce Committee. Part of his Committee assignment includes serving on the Health Subcommittee, with jurisdiction over Medicare, Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act – better known as Obamacare – and the rest of the American health care system.

Energy Production

Many Florida families are struggling to pay their bills because of high gas prices. Together with increasing food prices, American families are stressed. These cost increases have a harmful impact on the Florida and national economies.

Flood Insurance

Homeowners across the country are facing flood insurance rate increases as a result of reforms in the Biggert-Waters Act, made to address the solvency and affordability of the National Flood Insurance Program, which protects homeowners from flood losses.


Congressman Bilirakis specifically requested a seat on the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs because of his commitment to advocate on behalf of veterans and their families in the United States Congress. He has worked throughout his tenure in Congress to ensure veterans receive quality and timely services while promoting transparency throughout the VA. Congressman Bilirakis now serves proudly as Vice-Chairman for the Committee.


Congressman Bilirakis strongly opposes illegal immigration but, as a grandchild of Greek immigrants, he recognizes the cultural, intellectual, and economic benefit of legal, law-abiding immigrants.


Representative Bilirakis strongly believes that Congress must make serious fiscal reforms to ensure our financial stability while still ensuring that we uphold the commitments we have made to our seniors. He is absolutely opposed to legislation that will cut Social Security for seniors in order to pay for overseas operations, health care for others or any other program. Any cuts to Social Security will be especially difficult for those seniors on fixed incomes.

Budget and Taxes

Congressman Bilirakis supports reforming the tax code, which will eliminate a barrier to economic growth for everyone.


Congressman Bilirakis has been a long-time proponent of the public education system, both in the Florida Legislature and now in Congress.

Homeland Security

Congressman Bilirakis sought a seat on the Homeland Security Committee shortly after his election to Congress because few issues are as important as defending America’s citizens from those who want to hurt them.


As the unemployment remains unacceptably high, promoting job creation must be a priority for Congress. Small businesses and entrepreneurs create jobs, not the federal government and to foster real economic growth Congress must reform the tax code and relieve the burden of excessive regulations on our nation’s job creators.


In the Constitution, Congress is tasked with the responsibility to raise and support our country’s national defense. Congressman Bilirakis is proud to support our nation’s women and men in uniform and understands the important role Congress plays in protecting the freedoms of our democracy.

Foreign Affairs

As a former member of the House Committee on Foreign affairs and current member of the Caucus on International Religious Freedom, Congressman Bilirakis’ desire to support our allies, protect religious freedom, and prevent attacks from our enemies have kept him apprised of major world events.