Indian Affairs

During my service in the U.S. Senate, I have been a strong advocate for improving conditions on the Wind River Indian Reservation and throughout Indian Country. I have focused my efforts on improving housing, fixing the Indian healthcare system, and promoting employment.  In 2005, I worked to pass significant changes to the Native American Housing and Self Determination Act that made Tribes eligible for numerous housing grants.  In 2008, I helped Shepherd Indian Healthcare Reauthorization through the Senate. I will continue to work to improve on those efforts to help life in Indian Country. Doing so will improve not only life for those who live on the Wind River Indian Reservation, but for all residents of our great state.

Native Americans face significant health care challenges, including higher infant mortality rates, higher suicide rates, and a shortage of mental health care professionals – to name a few. In 2008, as Ranking Member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, I worked with colleagues to update the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, which had not been updated for more than 15 years. Among other improvements, the law allows American Indians to fully participate in Medicare and Medicaid.

To promote employment, I have supported tax incentives for businesses that invest on Indian Country. It is essential that, in addition to fulfilling our federal trust responsibility, we work to lower unemployment on our nation’s reservations. I will continue to work for improvement of conditions on the Wind River Reservation, and for Native Americans across the country.

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