Press Releases

Simpson Applauds Idaho PILT Payments

Fiscal year 2018 Omnibus enabled DOI to fully fund PILT

Washington, June 27, 2018

On Wednesday, the Department of the Interior announced fiscal year 2018 Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) payments, which compensate local governments for the inability to collect property taxes on federal land. Idaho is slated to receive $36.1 million in fiscal year 2018, along with the $26 million from Secure Rural Schools Payments (SRS) the Forest Service announced in May. PILT funding was made possible by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2018 which contained $530 million for the program.

“In Idaho, PILT is perhaps the most critical source of funding for counties with high percentages of federal land,” said Simpson.  “I am pleased the federal government is meeting its obligations to states and localities and I look forward to continuing to ensure full funding for fiscal year 2019. It is my hope that we can pass appropriations bills on time this year to give Idaho counties certainty with their PILT payments.”

Congressman Simpson’s vote for the Omnibus also included reauthorization of SRS and many other important provisions that impact Idaho.