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Congressman Lacy Clay

Representing the 1st District of Missouri

Clay Invites Community to EPA Public Hearing on Clean-up of Former Carter Carburetor Superfund Site

September 27, 2010
Press Release




Clay Invites Community to EPA Public Hearing on Clean-up of

Former Carter Carburetor Superfund Site

Dear Friends:

I wanted to make our community aware of a very important public hearing that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will be hosting next Monday, October 4th, at 6pm on the future of the Carter Carburetor Superfund Site, a large industrial property at 2800 to 2840 North Spring Street. The Site is a former gasoline and diesel carburetor manufacturing plant.

EPA Regional Director Karl Brooks will be on hand to review the latest engineering reports and cleanup options for this highly contaminated Superfund site. I plan to be there to hear your comments. As many of you know, I have been pushing the EPA, the City of St. Louis and the former owners to clean up this very dangerous site which puts children’s health at risk and impedes development for the entire neighborhood.

What would you like to see at this site? What kind of jobs would you want to have in your neighborhood? Please join me at the Herbert Hoover Boys & Girls Club, located at 2901 North Grand, to let the EPA know your thoughts. This public hearing is a major step towards a safe solution that protects residents, safeguards children, and prepares the site for badly-needed job creation. I hope you can join me at this important community meeting.


Wm. Lacy Clay

Member of Congress
