Congressman Bob Gibbs

Representing the 7th District of Ohio

Gibbs Introduces Legislation to End Obama-Era WOTUS Rule Permanently

November 29, 2018
Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC - On Thursday afternoon, Congressman Bob Gibbs co-sponsored the introduction of the Regulatory Certainty for Navigable Waters Act, which will fully repeal the Obama Administration’s Waters of the United States Rule issued in 2015. Gibbs has been at the forefront of stopping this bureaucratic overreach since its inception. Previously, he filed an amicus brief in support of states suing the EPA over WOTUS, led the passage of the Regulatory Integrity Protection Act in 2015 to stop the WOTUS rule process, and introduced a resolution urging the repeal of this rule.

After introduction of the Regulatory Certainty for Navigable Waters Act, Congressman Gibbs released the following statement:

“It’s time to put this issue to rest. The 2015 WOTUS Rule was clouded by an illegal promotion process during the public comment period, has been challenged by a wide range of stakeholders as well as a majority of states, and put on hold by multiple judicial jurisdictions.  Since January 2017, Congress has been working with the Trump Administration to roll back the regulatory overreach of Obama-era bureaucrats and repealing WOTUS is a large part of that.

“Having fought the over- expansive WOTUS rule tooth and nail since it was first proposed, I am co-sponsoring this bill to fully repeal it and set in law the appropriate definition of a Waters of the United States. This definition does not expand federal jurisdiction beyond congressional intent, is in line with the U.S. Supreme Court’s Rapanos decision, and will treat states and stakeholders as partners rather than adversaries.  This legislation will provide the certainty the agriculture needs and the finality the American people deserve.”

The text of the Regulatory Certainty for Navigable Waters Act can be found here.
