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Rick Crawford Representing Arkansas' First District
U.S. Congressman Rick Crawford Representing Arkansas' First District

Issues Home

  • Explosive Ordnance Disposal Caucus

    Across all branches of our military, Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) technicians risk their lives to protect others by rendering safe every type of ordnance from hand grenades, to improvised explosive devices (IEDs), to naval mines, to nuclear weap...

  • Immigration

    The issue of immigration reform is too important to not get right. It is vital that we work to secure our borders before any serious discussion on reform can begin. Focus must also be placed on enforcing the immigration laws that are already in exist...

  • Rural America

    Increasingly, Congress is divided not along partisan lines but along urban v.s. suburban and rural divides. Rural and to some extent suburban Americans face unique challenges that those who live in metro areas aren't familiar with. Although many of t...

  • Education and Job Training

    Education and career training are lifelong, dynamic processes as unique for each individual as their fingerprints. So why is our educational system structured as if there is a system of education and a path to employment that works for everyone? Stud...

  • National Debt and Spending

    Out-of-control government spending remains the biggest threat to our nation's future prosperity and national security. For decades, Republicans and Democrats alike have operated under the false assumption that they can spend their way into prosperity...

  • Cuba Trade

    Einstein’s definition for insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. For more than half a century, America has maintained a trade embargo with Cuba aimed at breaking or weakening the Castro regime. It has be...

  • Transportation

    Since our nation’s beginning, when the Constitution provided Congress with the power to establish roads and regulate commerce, the federal government has played a major role in providing our Country with improvements to transportation and infrastruct...

  • Health Care

    Arkansans in the First District are accustomed to having control over their health care decisions. When the Affordable Care Act (ACA) became law in 2010, our healthcare system was upended, imperiling many Americans’ quality coverage and access to pre...

  • Veterans Affairs

    Arkansas is home to more than 230,000 Veterans and I am honored and humbled to represent so many of them right here in the 1st Congressional District. As a Veteran of the United States Army, the son of a Veteran of the United States Air Force, and t...

  • Economy

    I strongly believe in the power of the free market to create prosperity. Entrepreneurship and creativity are cornerstones of American exceptionalism, and our continued ability to innovate is a reflection of these qualities. National policies must pro...