
Simpson Praises Historic Tax Relief for American Families

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Congressman Mike Simpson praised the passage today of H.R. 1, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in the House of Representatives. H.R. 1 is the first comprehensive tax reform legislation to pass the House since 1986. “Since coming to Congress, I’ve talked to farmers, ranchers and businesses throughout Idaho and I consistently hear about the burden that our overly complex, outdated, and unfair tax code puts... Read more »

Simpson Votes for Lower Taxes

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson praised the passage of H.R. 1, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act today in the House of Representatives. H.R. 1 is the first comprehensive tax reform legislation to pass the House since 1986. “Since coming to Congress, I’ve talked to farmers, ranchers and businesses throughout Idaho and I consistently hear about the burden that our overly complex, outdated, and unfair tax cod... Read more »

Simpson’s Statement on the FY2018 Budget

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson released the following statement addressing the Administration’s FY18 Budget. “Now that Congress has received the Administration’s FY18 budget, my colleagues and I will give serious thought and discussion to the proposals that the President has put forward. I look forward to carefully reviewing the President’s request in the coming weeks so that Congress can get to w... Read more »

Simpson Praises FY17 Omnibus Wins for Idaho

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today applauded the House passage of H.R. 244, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017, which included many important provisions for Idaho and Western States. “This is a comprehensive and responsible package that contains many significant wins for Idaho and Western States, and will avoid a government shut down,” said Simpson. “It is the product of this past year’s ... Read more »

Simpson Issues Statement on Budget Blueprint

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson issued the following statement concerning the release of President Trump’s Budget Blueprint. “The Administration’s budget blueprint has given us a sense of what President Trump’s priorities will be in the coming fiscal year. I look forward to receiving the full budget soon so that Congress can get to work and get back to regular order in our budget and appropriations... Read more »

Simpson Supports First Step to Repeal Obamacare

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson supported passage of the fiscal year 2017 budget resolution which was approved by the House of Representatives on Friday. This is the most significant Obamacare repeal legislation to pass the House since the law was enacted six years ago. Passage of the resolution unlocks a legislative mechanism known as “reconciliation” which provides Congress with the ability to re... Read more »

Simpson Votes to Reform the Federal Regulatory Process

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson voted for two pieces of regulatory reform legislation to prevent regulatory overreach by the Obama administration during its final days and to return accountability and transparency to the federal regulatory process. The total cost of regulations imposed by federal agencies is estimated at $1.88 trillion annually. “Each year, federal agencies issue regulations withou... Read more »

Simpson Responds to Federal Judge’s Decision on Obamacare Lawsuit

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson released the following statement after a federal judge ruled that the Obama administration unlawfully paid billions to Obamacare health insurers without congressional approval. “Yesterday’s ruling confirms what many American’s already know, the President is acting unilaterally without consulting Congress,” said Congressman Simpson. “The President didn’t confer with R... Read more »

Simpson Co-Sponsors Banking Regulatory Reform

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson is a cosponsor of H.R. 2896, the Taking Account of Institutions with Low Operation Risk Act of 2015. The TAILOR Act would provide smaller community banks and credit unions with regulatory relief. H.R. 2896 requires federal financial regulatory agencies to consider the risk profile and business models of financial institutions when taking regulatory action; and requir... Read more »

Simpson Opposes Onerous Rule from Department of Labor

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Tags: Economy

Idaho Congressman Simpson is a cosponsor of H.R. 4773, the Protecting Workplace Advancement and Opportunity Act, which blocks a U.S. Department of Labor rule to significantly increase the salary threshold for exemption from federal overtime pay requirements for managerial, professional or administrative positions. Currently under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), salaried employees who earn $23... Read more »