Roger Williams

Roger Williams


Come and Read It Report


Dear Texans,  

It's one of our favorite times of the year - high school football playoffs! In Texas, we know that means early morning practices, decking out in school colors, and braving the cold to watch our players leave it all out on the field for a shot at the state title.   

Last weekend, our very own Grandview High School Zebras defeated the Yoakum Bulldogs, 28-14, and are now headed to the State Championship! The game will take place this Thursday, December 20, at 7pm CT at AT&T Stadium in Arlington. While I cannot be there due to votes taking place in Washington, I will be cheering for the Zebras that day!  

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Legislative Update

Last week: we voted on 10 pieces of legislation, including the Farm Bill, which will provide economic stability to farmers and ranchers in our district, and around the country.  

I had the opportunity to preside over the House floor of the US Capitol one final time during the 115th Congress. It has been a true honor serving with these men and women the past two years on behalf of Texas' 25th District, and I look forward to two more! 

I have included some articles and releases you may find interesting located on the right side of this newsletter. It is an honor and privilege to represent the people of Texas’ 25th Congressional District and as always, please reach out to me with any issues and concerns that are important to you.

In God we trust,

Roger Williams

Member of Congress

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Come and Read It Report


Dear Texans,

In case you missed it, the US economy grew 3.5 percent in the third quarter, which boosted corporate profits to a six-year high - this is great news for Americans! House Republicans are committed to working with President Trump to deliver a stronger, more reliable economy for you, your business, and your family. Click here to read more.

Joint Chiefs of Staff Update

This weekend, President Trump named Army Chief of Staff General Mark A. Milley to succeed Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford. I first met Gen. Milley when he was named Commanding General of III Corps and Ft. Hood in Texas’ 25th District. Since then, I have come to know him not only as a first-rate military leader, but as a friend. 

Time and time again, I have called on Gen. Milley for his exceptional guidance on issues that range from the needs of ‘The Great Place,’ to the needs of our soldiers’ families. Unsurprisingly, he has done what is best for our men in women in uniform and kept the welfare of this nation at the forefront of his mind each time. Gen. Milley is the definition of a true American patriot, and President Trump could not have picked a better individual to serve as our country’s highest-ranking military officer.

Legislative Update

Last week: although our agenda was cut short in order to pay our respects to former President George H.W. Bush, we  were able to vote on five pieces of legislation in the House.

This week: I'll participate in a Financial Services Committee hearing on the Subcommittee on Monetary Policy and Trade, that I am vice chair of, on Wednesday at 9:00am CT.

 I have included some articles and releases you may find interesting located on the right side of this newsletter. It is an honor and privilege to represent the people of Texas’ 25th Congressional District and as always, please reach out to me with any issues and concerns that are important to you.

In God we trust,

Roger Williams

Member of Congress 

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Rep. Williams Congratulates Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley


AUSTIN, TEXAS – Congressman Roger Williams (R – Austin), who represents Fort Hood, released the following statement after President Donald Trump named Army Chief of Staff General Mark A. Milley to succeed Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford:

“I first met Gen. Mark A. Milley when he was named Commanding General of III Corps and Ft. Hood in Texas’ 25th District. Since then, I have come to know him not only as a first-rate military leader, but as a friend. Time and time again, I have called on Gen. Milley for his exceptional guidance on issues that range from the needs of ‘The Great Place,’ to the needs of our soldiers’ families. Unsurprisingly, he has done what is best for our men in women in uniform and kept the welfare of this nation at the forefront of his mind each time. Gen. Milley is the definition of a true American patriot, and President Trump could not have picked a better individual to serve as our country’s highest-ranking military officer.” 

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Come and Read It Report


Dear Texans,

This weekend, America lost a great servant and I lost a great friend. George H.W. Bush epitomized everything wonderful about America and, like his country, he was tough, strong and kind. He changed the nation and he changed the world.

Those who knew President Bush knew that his love for his country was only surpassed by his love for his family. This is a great loss for America, but I am comforted knowing that he has been reunited with his beloved, Barbara Bush, and is now with the Lord. My family and I will continue praying for the entire Bush family during this difficult time.

The Economy

Thanks to President Trump's pro-growth and pro-American agenda, the economy is booming:

  • Consumer spending was up at a strong 0.6 percent in October - the fastest pace in seven years!
  • Incomes rose by the largest amount in nine months
  • Our economy grew at an unrevised 3.5 percent in the third quarter.

Legislative Update

This week: While we are back in Washington this week, we will operate differently than previously scheduled. Former President George H.W. Bush will lie in state in the United States Capitol Rotunda beginning today through Wednesday morning so that Americans are able to pay their respects.

I have included some articles and releases you may find interesting located on the right side of this newsletter. It is an honor and privilege to represent the people of Texas’ 25th Congressional District and as always, please reach out to me with any issues and concerns that are important to you.

In God we trust,

Roger Williams

Member of Congress

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Rep. Williams Statement on the Passing of President George H.W. Bush


“America has lost a great servant, and I have lost a great friend. George H.W. Bush epitomized everything wonderful about America, and like his country, he was tough, strong, and kind. He changed this nation and he changed the world. 

“Many times, it was President Bush who I turned to for sage advice and wisdom. He encouraged me to follow a path to public service and has been an inspiration throughout my life.

“Those who knew President Bush knew that his love for his country was only surpassed by his love for his family. This is an immeasurable loss for America, but I am comforted knowing that he has been reunited with his beloved, Barbara Bush, and is now with the Lord. My family and I will continue praying for the entire Bush family during this difficult time.

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Come and Read It Report


Dear Texans,

I hope all of you in Texas' 25th District had a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with family and loved ones. For those of you with family members in the Armed Forces who were unable to be together this year, please know that we are all grateful for their service, and will continue to pray for their safety.

Crisis at the Border 

As I’ve said all along, the security of this nation is absolutely paramount and it must be a top priority. In a time when immigrants are attempting to illegally enter our country and corrupt American ideals, the need for border security is greater than ever before. Unfortunately, Democrats want to allow dangerous immigrants into our homes and put our lives at risk. They want open borders, special pathways to citizenship, and funding for sanctuary cities. Ultimately, Democrats are choosing to prioritize illegal aliens over American citizens.

While President Trump is working hard to deter this type of illicit activity, Congress must do its job and fix our severely flawed immigration system. I have always been in favor of using any and all  means necessary to secure our nation's borders, and I will remain dedicated to working to ensure we take additional steps to combat threats to our nation and keep our citizens safe. I want everyone to have the opportunity to pursue the American Dream, but they must start by following our laws.  

Small Business Optimism

The National Federation for Independent Business announced that small business optimism is at a record high, and "has only been this high three times in the last 43 years." As a business owner, I can tell you firsthand that we are in a better place than we were 10 years ago. I remember what it was like when our economy was being strangled by high taxes and overregulation.

I am happy to report that under President Trump's leadership, America is getting back on track. People are reentering the work force and businesses are booming. This is in large part due to the extremely high number of job openings - approximately 7 million - as well as House Republicans delivering the largest corporate tax cut in history just last year. As we get closer to the end of this Congress, we must keep working to ensure American families and the economy continue to thrive.

TX-25 Veterans 

My office is continuing to collect stories from our veterans in Texas' 25th District to highlight them on our website and Facebook page. If you are a veteran and want to share your story, please click here for more details on how you can submit it. Thank you for your service, we are forever grateful.  

It is an honor and privilege to represent the people of Texas’ 25th Congressional District and as always, please reach out to me with any issues and concerns that are important to you.

In God we trust,

Roger Williams

Member of Congress 

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Come and Read It Report


Dear Texans,

In case you missed it, last week, I sent out a letter asking veterans in our district to share their stories with me all month long in honor of Veterans Day. Servicemen and women in this nation have sacrificed a great deal for our freedoms, and I am humbled to represent them in Congress.

Please submit your stories and photos by clicking here or emailing Please do not mail the office original photos. Those who are submitting content are asked to include a short description of the branch, title, and assignment for photos. Lastly, those who are submitting on behalf of another individual are asked to be sure they have permission to share photos and stories before sending. Click here for more information.


Fort Hood Visit

Honored to attend Fort Hood's Heroes Luncheon last week and speak with our soldiers. 'The Great Place' is the gold standard for the United States Army, and is composed of some of the bravest and most selfless people we have in this country. This is all thanks to the folks in Killeen and the Central Texas community who do so much for our troops day in and day out. Thank you for your dedication to our men and women in uniform, and God bless! 

It is an honor and privilege to represent the people of Texas’ 25th Congressional District and as always, please reach out to me with any issues and concerns that are important to you.

In God we trust,

Roger Williams

Member of Congress 

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Congressman Williams Asks TX-25 Veterans to Share Their Stories


AUSTIN, TEXAS – U.S. Congressman Roger Williams (R – Austin), who represents Fort Hood, announced that he will be sharing the stories of veterans located throughout the 25th District of Texas on his Congressional website during the month of November in honor of Veterans Day.

“The 25th District of Texas is home to the active duty Fort Hood military installation, as well as thousands of this nation’s bravest veterans. Our district is made up countless American heroes who have put their lives on the line for us, and as the representative of a military-rich community, our veterans hold a special place in my heart,” said Rep. Williams. “The servicemen and women in this country have sacrificed a great deal, and I am humbled to represent them in Congress. Please join me in honoring those this month, and every month, who answered the call to serve.”

For those residents in the 25th Congressional District of Texas who have served in the military, or know someone who has, Congressman Roger Williams is inviting them to share their memories with him by submitting photos and stories from their time in service. Congressman Williams will be sharing these stories and photos on his official website and Facebook through the month of November.

Please submit your stories and photos by clicking here or emailing Please do not mail the office original photos. Those who are submitting content are asked to include a short description of the branch, title, and assignment for photos. Lastly, those who are submitting on behalf of another individual are asked to be sure they have permission to share photos and stories before sending.

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Come and Read It Report


Dear Texans,

Nine years ago today, Fort Hood was devastated when a gunman opened fire on a Soldier Readiness Processing site that was filled with hundreds of deploying and returning soldiers. 13 people lost their lives and over 30 were injured. This is a day we must never forget, and I will continue to pray for those who had to say goodbye to loved ones too soon during this tragic event.

Help for Central Texas

The flooding in Central Texas in the past few weeks has been absolutely catastrophic to families, businesses, and infrastructure. I visited the site of the FM 2900 bridge that collapsed, as well as the folks in Marble Falls, and while their spirits were high, their community was devastated. I applaud the efforts of local and state officials who have shown true leadership throughout this difficult time. Unfortunately, this severe weather is ongoing, and I agree with Governor Abbott that the state has exhausted its options and a federal response is necessary. I have sent President Trump a letter urging him to quickly fulfill the Governor's request for a major disaster declaration for the State of Texas, and I will continue to support Texans in any way that I can.

$61 Million for Fort Hood

After a combined effort with the Fort Hood community, I am pleased to announce that ‘The Great Place’ has been awarded $61 million for the renovation of five barracks.

Including this funding, I have worked to secure nearly $200 million towards improving living conditions for our soldiers this year. While there is still much to do, this action demonstrates that Congress is committed to providing for our men and women in uniform. I am proud of our work so far, and I will continue to fight on their behalf to secure additional funds for Fiscal Year 2020 (FY20) and beyond.

October Jobs Report

The numbers are in, and our economy is continuing to thrive thanks to Republican's pro-growth and pro-American agenda. We're working towards more jobs and higher wages for every American, and we're just getting started!

✔ 250,000 new jobs added in October

✔ 3.7% unemployment (lowest in 49 years)

✔ 3.1% wage growth = fastest rate since 2009

Curious about the jobs that were added? Click here to read more or take a look at the numbers below:

  • Large businesses added 102,000 
  • Mid-sized companies added 96,000 
  • Small employers added 29,000 

It is an honor and privilege to represent the people of Texas’ 25th Congressional District and as always, please reach out to me with any issues and concerns that are important to you.

In God we trust,

Roger Williams

Member of Congress 

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Williams Sends Letter to POTUS in Support of Gov. Abbott’s Disaster Declaration Request


AUSTIN, TEXAS – U.S. Congressman Roger Williams (R – Austin) sent a letter of support to President Donald Trump in support of Texas Governor Greg Abbott regarding the Governor’s request for a major disaster declaration for the State of Texas.

“The flooding in Central Texas in the past few weeks has been absolutely catastrophic to many families, businesses, and infrastructure. I visited the site of the FM 2900 bridge that collapsed, as well as the folks in Marble Falls, and while their spirits were high, their community was devastated,” said Rep. Williams. “I applaud the efforts of local and state officials who have shown true leadership throughout this difficult time. Unfortunately, this severe weather is ongoing, and I agree with Governor Abbott that the state has exhausted its options and a federal response is necessary. I have urged the President to quickly fulfill his request for a major disaster declaration for the State of Texas, and I will continue to support Texans in any way that I can.”

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Rep. Williams and TX Delegation Honor George H.W. Bush on House Floor

2018-12-13 15:39:57

Rep. Williams Joins FBN's Morning with Maria to Discuss Border Security, and the Economy

2018-11-16 17:52:02

Congressman Williams Recognizes Hays County Honor Flight Veterans

2018-09-27 19:56:01

Rep. Williams Congratulates the Tarleton State Rodeo Team on House Floor

2018-09-13 17:17:28

Rep. Williams Recognizes Lake Travis FD and Bee Cave PD

2018-09-12 21:20:28

Rep. Williams Recognizes National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

2018-09-06 16:22:53

Rep. Williams Joins KVUE Part 2

2018-09-04 21:31:08

Rep. Williams Joins KVUE Part 1

2018-09-04 21:30:21

Rep. Williams Joins FBN's Mornings with Maria to discuss NAFTA and to Remember John McCain

2018-08-28 14:51:08

Rep. Williams Joins Good Day Austin to Discuss What Congress is Working on in Washington

2018-08-13 15:10:33

Rep. Williams Joins FBN's Mornings with Maria to Discuss Border Security and Tax Reform 2.0

2018-08-13 15:00:52

Rep. Williams Joins KCEN TV to Give a DC Update to the 25th District of Texas

2018-08-08 17:12:07

Rep. Williams Recognizes the Bluebonnet Belle on the House Floor

2018-07-26 13:29:40

Williams Speaks on H.R. 3626, the Bank Service Company Examination Coordinate Act of 2017

2018-07-24 19:14:26

Rep. Williams Joins FBN's Mornings with Maria to Discuss Immigration and Tax Reform 2.0

2018-07-19 15:12:18

Rep. Williams Speaks on House Floor in Support of the JOBS and Investor Confidence Act of 2018

2018-07-17 21:25:22

Rep. Williams Joins Lone Star Politics to Discuss Immigration and his School Security Bill

2018-07-02 16:40:22

Rep. Williams Recognizes Austin Habitat for Humanity on House Floor

2018-06-26 14:27:10

Rep. Williams Joins FBN's Mornings with Maria to Discuss Immigration at the Southern Border

2018-06-20 13:55:31

Rep. Williams Joins GrayTV to Discuss the 2018 Congressional Baseball Game

2018-06-15 19:12:05

Contact Information

1122 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone 202-225-9896
Fax 202-225-9692

Committee Assignments

Financial Services

Roger Williams represents the 25th District of Texas in the United States Congress, a district that stretches from Tarrant County in the North to Hays County in the South and includes much of Austin and the Texas Hill Country.

Prior to his election in November 2012, Congressman Williams served his country in a number of ways and brings a unique background to Congress. He was raised in the Fort Worth area where he graduated from high school and later played baseball at Texas Christian University.

After graduating from college, he was drafted by the Atlanta Braves where he played in their farm system before an injury ended his sports career and forced him to begin his business career. He began working in the family car business and has owned and operated the business for 40 years.

Along the way, he also became involved civically and politically. He served as Regional Finance Chairman for Governor Bush in 1994 and 1998 before he went on to later serve as the North Texas Chairman for the Bush/Cheney 2000 campaign. Additionally, as well as the North Texas Finance Chairman and National Grassroots Fundraising Chairman for Bush/Cheney ’04, Inc. Williams was appointed by President George W. Bush in 2001 as the Chairman of the Republican National Finance Committee’s Eagles Program. He has also served as State Finance Chair for John Cornyn for U.S. Senate, Inc., in 2002 and as the National Director of the “Patriots” program for Senator Cornyn.

In 2005, Governor Rick Perry appointed Congressman Williams to serve as Texas Secretary of State. As Chief Election Officer for Texas, he worked to ensure the uniform application and interpretation of election laws throughout the state. The Congressman worked tirelessly to promote economic development, investment and job creation in Texas. He also served as the state’s Chief Liaison for Texas Border and Mexican Affairs as well as Chair of the state’s 2005 Base Realignment and Closure Response Strike Force.

Congressman Williams was elected to his first term in Congress on November 6th, 2012 and was selected to serve on the House Committee on the Budget, along with the House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure.

Serving With

Louie Gohmert


Ted Poe


Sam Johnson


John Ratcliffe


Jeb Hensarling


Joe Barton


John Culberson


Kevin Brady


Michael McCaul


Michael Conaway


Kay Granger


Mac Thornberry


Randy Weber


Bill Flores


Jodey Arrington


Lamar Smith


Pete Olson


Will Hurd


Kenny Marchant


Michael Burgess


John Carter


Pete Sessions


Brian Babin


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