Senator Heidi Heitkamp United States Senator for North Dakota

Fighting for Rural America

Every day in the U.S. Senate, I fight for rural America – a critical part of the fabric of our country that is too often overlooked. Rural America faces unique challenges that require folks to roll up their sleeves and find commonsense solutions that support and help grow communities.

North Dakota is full of folks who believe that they can accomplish anything if they work together. Growing up in Mantador – a town of 90 people – I saw firsthand how the challenges in the community were solved over a cup of coffee. There would be Democrats and Republicans, Green Bay Packers fans and Vikings fans, and Lutherans and Catholics who may not agree on the issues of the day, but they would figure out how to get the Christmas lights up and how to fix the roof on the fire hall. I’m fighting every day to bring that same level of commonsense and solutions-oriented approach to the U.S. Senate to make sure the needs of rural America are heard and addressed. 

In North Dakota, agriculture isn’t just an industry – it’s a way of life. It makes up 25 percent of our state’s economic base and nearly 24 percent of the workforce is engaged in production agriculture. Farming and ranching is embedded in the lives of families and a cornerstone of our communities. Supporting North Dakota’s agriculture industry goes hand in hand with fighting to maintain the North Dakota way of life. 

When I first joined the U.S. Senate, I helped write, negotiate, and pass a bipartisan Farm Bill that provided certainty for North Dakota farmers and ranchers and made smart investments in research and young farmers. And right after that bill passed, I got to work on the next Farm Bill by meeting with farmers across our state to get their feedback and make sure their voices are heard in the next bill.

Strong small businesses and startups support workers, families, and communities across North Dakota, including in rural communities. They are the backbone of North Dakota’s local economy and make up nearly 99 percent of North Dakota’s employers, which is why I’m actively engaged in making sure we address the unique challenges that hold back many rural small businesses. Those challenges include investing in high-speed internet, addressing labor shortage issues, understanding and navigating the bidding process for federal contractors, and helping women build the skill set they need to be successful business leaders in their communities.

In recent years, North Dakota has seen an emerging startup industry that is bringing innovative entrepreneurs to the region. As our startup community continues to grow, I’m working in the U.S. Senate to make sure the federal government is doing all it can to help support that growth by boosting economic development and promoting innovation in small cities and rural states. I’ve also been working across the aisle to level the playing field for local brick-and-mortar businesses so online retailers don’t have an unfair advantage over them.  

North Dakota’s rural landscape can present challenges to providing accessible health care. Health providers rise to the challenge by providing high quality, low cost care – but they can’t do it alone. Access to local hospitals and clinics are essential to supporting rural communities and it’s our responsibility to make sure they have the resources, support, and technology they need to keep North Dakota families healthy.

A one-size-fits-all model for health service doesn’t work for rural communities. As a member of the Rural Health Caucus, I’ve been fighting to improve the quality of health care provided in rural areas, strengthen the rural health workforce, address transportation challenges, and expand health information technology infrastructure. I’ve also been working to make sure North Dakota’s more than 30 Critical Access Hospital continue to receive the federal support they need to continue providing everything from routine check-ups to around-the-clock emergency services to area families.

Across North Dakota, every community has been impacted by opioid abuse as opioid-induced fatalities increased by 125 percent from 2013 to 2014 alone according to the Centers for Disease Control. Opioid abuse is tearing apart families and communities, which is why I’m working with folks across the state to create a community-wide approach to combat this epidemic. I’ve brought together leaders and experts from across the treatment and enforcement spectrum in many communities to make sure we are mounting the best possible defense to rid our communities of opioid abuse.

In the U.S. Senate, I’ve been working to address opioid abuse at the federal level by securing expanded tools to help tackle opioid addiction and abuse – which includes introducing legislation that would help communities support treatment options. I’ve also brought federal anti-drug crime leaders and resources to North Dakota and convened statewide leaders to comprehensively battle drug crime and abuse.  

Efficient mail delivery and service is critical for rural communities, families, and businesses to thrive. After hearing from folks across the state about the unacceptable mail delivery service they have experienced with the U.S. Postal Service, I got to work to hold the U.S. Postal Service accountable for its service in rural America.

In 2014, I launched my Fix My Mail initiative, a grassroots effort to help North Dakotans have their voices heard about problems with delayed mail delivery and service. More than 200 North Dakotans shared their stories about problems with extensive mail delivery times or other problems with the postal service. I also added a Fix My Mail survey – which nearly 500 North Dakotans filled out - to get details from North Dakotans about their mail delivery and service. This feedback was critical to getting the Postmaster General to North Dakota to see the state’s mail challenges up close and to discuss solutions for unacceptable service issues facing the state, and to pressure the U.S. Postal Service to make needed changes that improve service and delivery in rural states like North Dakota. I also used that feedback to introduce a bipartisan bill to improve U.S. Postal Service operations, service, and transparency.