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Secretary Mattis is a true patriot who leads by example and served with great fidelity and dedication to our men and women in uniform. He served as a stabilizing force in a chaotic Administration that seems to be unraveling.

His resignation letter made it clear he disagrees with President Trump on major national security issues. Secretary Mattis isn’t someone who is willing to stand by while American allies and principles are abandoned. He didn’t resign because he grew weary from the fight. I think he saw this as his last best chance to focus the nation’s attention on the serious missteps President Trump is making and get him to change course.

President Trump is leading the country in the wrong direction and Secretary Mattis isn’t willing to go along with it.

President Trump’s tweet claiming that ISIS is defeated doesn't reflect reality. The hasty, disjointed manner in which this announcement was made demonstrates an Administration in disarray and highlights Trump’s inability to lead on the world stage. My statement:
WASHINGTON, DC – Today, after President Trump declared victory over the Islamic State in Syria (ISIS) and ordered a sudden withdrawal of U.S. forces from Syria, catching some of his own advisors and U.S. allies off guard, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), the Ranking Member of the Armed Services Comm...