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Congressman James Comer

Representing the 1st District of Kentucky

Congressman Comer discusses health care policy with President Trump

March 21, 2017
Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Comer had the opportunity to ride on Air Force One with President Trump yesterday to and from Louisville.

The congressman spoke at length with the president about health care in the first district. The president mentioned Congressman Comer's name twice during his nationally televised speech last night.

This morning, in a Republican congressional meeting with all 241 GOP members, President Trump referenced Congressman Comer several times during his closing arguments with the undecided members on the health care bill.

“It was an honor to ride with President Trump on Air Force One. We had a very productive discussion. The first district is a rural district, and I want to make sure my constituents get the best possible health care. I want to thank the president for working to repeal and replace Obamacare,” Rep. Comer said.

The vote on the American Health Care Act is expected to take place this Thursday, March 23rd.

