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Full Committee Markup

Wednesday, May 23, 2018 - 10:30am
2318 Rayburn House Office Building

H.R. 5905, the Department of Energy Science and Innovation Act of 2018, approved as amended by voice vote. 

         Amendment 019, Manager's Amendment, offered by Mr. Weber (R-Texas), approved             by voice vote

H.R. 5907, the National Innovation Modernization by Laboratory Empowerment (NIMBLE) Act, approved by voice vote. 

H.R. 5906, the ARPA-E Act of 2018, approved as amended by voice vote. 

         Amendment 008, Manager's Amendment, offered by Mr. Lucas (R-Okla.), approved               by voice vote. 


Opening Statements:

Full Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas)

Vice Chairman Frank Lucas (R-Okla.)

Energy Subcommittee Chairman Randy Weber (R-Texas)

Rep. Randy Hultgren (R-Ill.) 

115th Congress