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U.S. Senator Mike Enzi is appreciative of the tone being set by Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, who announced today he is reviewing federal land management plans concerning the sage grouse.

Zinke signed a secretarial order today to establish a panel to review federal and state efforts to protect the sage grouse. Zinke, Enzi and other western leaders have been concerned in the past that policies could be too restrictive on energy development in Wyoming and the West.

“The state of Wyoming has developed an effective plan to protect the sage grouse within our borders while also allowing for responsible energy development and other land uses, so I was heartened to hear Secretary Zinke say it was important for the federal government to work closely with the states and for the federal government to be a good neighbor,” Enzi said. “Secretary Zinke seems to be taking a listening posture which is positive. Wyoming has worked for decades to get to where we are in terms of Wyoming’s sage grouse plan. It’s a delicate balance between conservation, industry, state, local and federal concerns and a heavy-handed approach from Washington could upset that balance.”

Earlier this year Enzi and Idaho U.S. Senator Jim Risch introduced the Greater Sage Grouse Protection and Recovery Act. The bill would allow states to implement their own specific conservation and management plans to protect greater sage grouse populations and their habitats.