SEEC calls for state & foreign ops funding for climate and sustainability programs in FY19 deal

Dec 13, 2018 Issues: Climate Change, Energy, Environment, Water


Washington D.C. – Today the members of SEEC sent a letter calling for the final State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations legislation for Fiscal Year 2019 (FY 2019) to include support for important climate and sustainability programs. This letter was led by SEEC Co-Chairs Reps. Gerry Connolly, Doris Matsui, and Paul Tonko, and SEEC Vice-Chairs Reps. Matt Cartwright, Alan Lowenthal, Chellie Pingree, Mike Quigley and Jared Polis. It was signed by nearly 40 members in total.

The letter reads in part:

“The programs enable developing countries to care for our shared global ecosystem while strengthening American alliances, preventing conflicts, and bolstering our national security. In many cases, these programs have years of bipartisan support under both Republican and Democratic administrations like.”


The full text is below and a signed copy can be found here:

Dear Chairmen Shelby and Frelinghuysen, Vice Chairman Leahy, and Ranking Member Lowey:

As you work to assemble final State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations legislation for Fiscal Year 2019 (FY 2019), we hope you will consider full funding for a range of important international energy, environment, and conservation accounts.

The programs enable developing countries to care for our shared global ecosystem while strengthening American alliances, preventing conflicts, and bolstering our national security. In many cases, these programs have years of bipartisan support under both Republican and Democratic administrations like.

As such, we would strongly urge you to include these funding levels in your legislation:

  • $135 million for international Sustainable Landscapes programs; [Bilateral Economic Assistance]
  • $179 million for Clean Energy programs; [Bilateral Economic Assistance]
  • $177 million for Adaptation programs; [Bilateral Economic Assistance]
  • $139.6 million for the Global Environment Facility (GEF). [Multilateral Assistance]        

These programs have produced real measurable benefits, while also leveraging substantial sums in co-financing from other donors. Every dollar America invests in the GEF generates another $40 from other countries and partners. Thanks to USAID adaptation programs, 5.3 million people globally now have access to cutting-edge satellite weather data, allowing them to save lives and better respond to extreme weather events. Sustainable Landscapes programs incent developing countries to curb deforestation while addressing rural poverty and improving the way lands are managed and harvested – leveraging up to 39 times more funding from other donors. Finally, clean energy programs like the U.S.-Africa Clean Energy Finance Initiative (ACEF) have mobilized more than $30 for every $1 spent by the program. Indeed, Investment in in developing country energy infrastructure is expected to exceed $30 trillion over the next 25 years -- a small investment of U.S. funds can help shape that enormous market for decades to come.

These programs represent a small fraction of our foreign aid budget but provide outsize benefits to the U.S. as a global leader in smart, sustainable development. We appreciate your consideration of this important request.
