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Today the Senate HELP Committee advanced President Trump's Secretary of Education nomination, Betsy DeVos to the Senate floor. U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., issued the following statement.

"Wyoming should be able to have the flexibility to implement policies that work for our state. I voted to advance Betsy DeVos’s nomination as Secretary of Education to the full Senate because I believe she will allow states and local public school districts to implement their own plans to improve the educational outcomes for all of our students without burdensome federal intrusion. Mrs. DeVos will not be running our schools, that’s the job of Wyomingites. What I heard directly from Mrs. DeVos and what I see in her record, is someone who seeks more educational opportunities for our children. The U.S. Department of Education should not try to exert top-down control of education from Washington as it has done for the better part of the last decade. It should follow the bipartisan Every Students Succeeds Act. Mrs. DeVos assured me she will follow the law and provide states with the flexibility that they have not had in a long time. If she does, parents and teachers will find themselves more in the education driver’s seat than they have been for years."