Small Businesses


Supporting Idaho’s Small Businesses

Small businesses play a vital role in this country and in our state.  They are the backbone of our nation’s economy, and Idaho depends on the innovative work of entrepreneurs to create jobs, develop new products and services, and spur our state on toward growth and prosperity.  It’s the entrepreneurial spirit that continues to push our nation along at the cutting edge of technology and creativity. 

One only has to glance at the statistics to see the phenomenal impact that entrepreneurs and small employers have on our economy.  For example, small businesses employ half of all private sector workers in this country, creating between 60 and 80 percent of the new jobs in our economy over the past decade, and they make up 97 percent of all U.S. exporters.  These trends continue, with more than 500,000 new small businesses starting up every year.

It is small businesses that will lead the way in turning the economy around, not the government. I will work non-stop to push back government interference on businesses, allowing them to make decisions that are good for their companies, good for economic growth and good for the livelihoods of individual citizens and families.  Idaho is one of the most business-friendly places in our country, and I am committed to seeing that Idaho entrepreneurs and the businesses they build are given every opportunity to succeed.  In our rapidly changing world economy, it’s vital that we make America a competitive place for innovative entrepreneurs to operate.