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Lowey statement at conference committee meeting on FY 2019 Defense and Labor-HHS-Education appropriations bill

September 13, 2018
Press Release

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

The Defense and Labor-HHS-Education bills carry out some of Congress’ most important Constitutional responsibilities, and I am pleased that we have made so much progress on these bills.

The conference agreement will provide ample resources for our armed services, robust funding lifesaving medical research at the National Institutes of Health, and support for vital health care initiatives like Title X family planning and teen pregnancy prevention.

I am also proud that we have removed all of the unnecessary and deeply partisan riders.

While it is regrettable that a Continuing Resolution is necessary, I am pleased that we will have conference agreements on these two important bills. 

We will also have a conference meeting later today on four additional bills and I have high hopes for their completion as well.

I thank our Members and our staff for their hard work to get us to this point.

115th Congress