
Telecommunications, Technology & Innovation

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The 18th Congressional District is home to Silicon Valley. It includes many of the world’s foremost information and communications technology innovators who have led the world in developing breakthrough discoveries that continue to shape our society and lead our economy.

Congresswoman Eshoo served as the Ranking Member of the Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Communications and Technology for six years. She was the first woman in the history of the Subcommittee to serve in a leadership role and was elected on January 19, 2011. She is a founding member and Co-Chair of the Congressional Internet Caucus and the Medical Technology Caucus.

Representative Eshoo is a leader in Congress on issues affecting high-technology, telecommunications, and the Internet, and is committed to ensuring the U.S. continues to lead the world in these critical fields in the 21st century.

Building a Nationwide, Interoperable Broadband Network for our First Responders

In February 2012, Congress passed and the President signed into law, the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act, which includes provisions to create America's first nationwide, interoperable public safety communications network and appropriates...

Cell Phone Unlocking

Rep. Eshoo is an original cosponsor of H.R. 1892 , the Unlocking Technology Act of 2013, which would allow consumers to legally unlock their cell phones, tablets, and other mobile communications devices. A vibrant mobile marketplace starts by putting...


The security of our nation's information technology networks and the data stored in them must be a top priority for Congress. Consumers, corporations, students, and the public sector all rely on using safe and secure communications to complete transactions,...

Free and Open Internet

An open architecture is essential to preserving the free choice, competition and innovation that have driven the Internet and made it so successful. Without strong protections, the open architecture of the Internet which has allowed innovation on the...

Intellectual Property

Intellectual property is a critical core of the American economy. Silicon Valley is fueled by new ideas that create the latest technology, service, or breakthrough biologic drug. If these ideas and inventions, otherwise known as "intellectual property,"...

Loud Commercials

The problem of loud commercials is not new. It has bothered consumers and endangered their hearing for decades. Although loud commercials have been at the top of consumer complaints to the FCC for decades, official FCC policy recommended that consumers...

Privacy and Data Security

The issue of personal privacy is a closely held value by the American people. When we provide an institution with personal information, we want that the information to be protected from misuse or theft. At a minimum, companies should be required to disclose...

Research and Development

Research and Development (R&D) is a critical phase in the innovation cycle and without a strong public-private partnership in R&D, America risks losing its technological superiority and global economic advantage. Representative Eshoo is a strong...

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