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Congressman Lacy Clay

Representing the 1st District of Missouri

Clay Urges McCaskill & Blunt to Stop Kavanaugh

September 7, 2018
Press Release
“Says Kavanaugh’s ascension to the high court would represent an enormous threat to fundamental freedoms that have been hard-won by long decades of struggle and landmark SCOTUS rulings.”

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Wm. Lacy Clay (D) Missouri today appealed to Senator Claire McCaskill and Senator Roy Blunt to reject the nomination of D.C. Circuit Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court.  In his letter, Mr. Clay, Missouri’s senior Democrat in Congress said, in-part:

“After reviewing those records that have not been suppressed, and after closely observing Judge Kavanaugh’s lack of transparency and refusal to affirm basic rights of privacy and equal protection under the law for minorities, women, and our most vulnerable citizens, I urge you to oppose his confirmation”

“In particular, I find Judge Kavanaugh’s lack of respect for precedent, especially in matters related to defending the voting rights of minorities, demanding constitutional policing, and upholding a women’s right to control her own reproductive freedom, extremely disturbing.”

“Judge Kavanaugh’s ascension to the high court would represent an enormous threat to fundamental freedoms that have been hard-won by long decades of struggle and landmark SCOTUS rulings.  The American people depend on the independence of the judiciary, particularly the U.S. Supreme Court, to be the final guardian of equal rights and equal protection under the law for all.  I fear that Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination to the high court would represent a giant setback to both of those essential ideals.”

