Langevin Commends Secretary Mattis for a Lifetime of Service

Dec 20, 2018 Issues: Armed Services

WASHINGTON – Congressman Jim Langevin (D-RI), a senior member of the House Committee on Armed Services, issued the following statement regarding the resignation of Secretary of Defense James N. Mattis:

“There will be a day and a time to address the President’s continued attempts to undermine the rule of law, our vital alliances, and the role of the United States in the world, factors that contributed to Secretary Mattis’s resignation. Today, however, let us honor the lifetime of service of a man who has served his country nobly across five decades. In all of my interactions with Secretary Mattis, whether as Secretary of Defense or as a general testifying before me, I have been impressed by his patriotism, his integrity, his selflessness, and his commitment to protecting our nation and its partners. In his current role, I always had confidence that Secretary Mattis would be the adult in the room, motivated not by politics or greed, but by a desire to protect our national security and our service members. He always worked to ensure the awesome might of the U.S. military was brought to bear in service of our country’s citizens and our allies abroad. I fear his departure may mean those ideals have been purged from the White House. However, I pledge to continue to strive to live up to those ideals each day I serve in Congress.

“Godspeed, Secretary Mattis. A grateful nation is in your debt.”