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Honorable Tim Walz

Representing the 1st District of MINNESOTA

Voting Record

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Learn how to read the roll call information.

Recent Votes

Date Roll Call Bill Vote
12/21/2018 500 S.3628 Not Voting
12/21/2018 499 H.CON.RES.148 Not Voting
12/21/2018 497 H.R.7388 Not Voting
12/21/2018 496 S.3456 Not Voting
12/21/2018 495 H.R.6287 Not Voting
12/21/2018 494 S.1934 Not Voting
12/21/2018 493 S.512 Not Voting
12/21/2018 492 S.3247 Not Voting
12/21/2018 491 S.1862 Not Voting