Feb 09 2016

Graham Opposes Obama Budget and Obama Proposal on MOX Funding

Contact: Kevin Bishop (864) 250-1417 or Clint Riddle (202) 224-5972

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made this statement on the Obama Administration’s decision to terminate the MOX program at Savannah River Site and the Obama Administration’s budget submission to Congress.

Jan 14 2016

Charleston Harbor Deepening Project Receives Administration Approval

Contact: Kevin Bishop (864) 250-1417 or Clint Riddle (202) 224-5972

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made this statement on news the 52-foot Charleston Harbor Deepening Project has received the Chief’s Report from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. This is the final substantive approval required for the project to progress through construction.

Dec 18 2015

Graham Backs Year-End Spending Bill

Contact: Kevin Bishop (864) 250-1417 or Clint Riddle (202) 224-5972

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today voted in support of legislation to fund the federal government through fiscal year 2016. Graham cited an increase in military spending and several important South Carolina priorities in voting for the measure.

Dec 16 2015

Graham Secures Major Funding for MOX at Savannah River Site

Contact: Kevin Bishop (864) 250-1417 or Clint Riddle (202) 224-5972

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) said he was pleased the year-end funding bill Congress will soon vote on provides funding for the MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility at the Savannah River Site (SRS).

Dec 16 2015

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today secured millions in funding in the year-end appropriations bill to help cover losses associated with the historic October flooding in South Carolina. The funds could be used for unmet housing needs and to help the state’s agricultural industry which suffered tremendous losses.

“While the flood rains have stopped, the devastation still cripples and haunts many South Carolinians,” said Graham, a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee. “Families whose homes were devastated by the flood will now have an opportunity to seek housing assistance and remediation for their homes. To our farming community, I strongly support the ability of farmers to access disaster relief funds for non-covered losses. I believe farmers are critical to the sovereignty and security of our Nation. They should at a minimum have the same access to relief funds as any other small business or homeowner.”

Graham noted South Carolina farmers would be eligible for funds secured for the Emergency Watershed Protection Program, the Emergency Forestry Restoration Program, and the Emergency Conservation Program.

“Finally, South Carolina Ag Commissioner Hugh Weathers, the Clemson Extension Service, and the newly elected South Carolina Farm Bureau President, Harry Ott, have been an invaluable source of support,” said Graham. “I will continue to work hand-in-glove with them to find a solution for our farmers. Without their efforts and those of individual South Carolina farmers, we would not have even seen modest success in securing recovery funds.”

“I truly appreciate my Senate colleague Tim Scott and House Colleagues Jim Clyburn and Tom Rice for their passion and leadership, and also the Senate Appropriations Committee for hearing our concerns and answering our calls for assistance,” concluded Graham.
