Jul 18 2012

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, today released the following statement on the situation in Syria:


“It is imperative in light of the most recent wave of violence in Syria that the United States begin to lead the international community to resolve the conflict.  We need to form a coalition to help arm the rebels, as well as create no-fly and no-drive zones to stop the slaughter by the Assad regime.  I cannot say with certainty what will follow Assad but I can say with certainty that Assad must go, sooner rather than later.


“If America is seen as being helpful in ending the slaughter of the Syrian people, it will allow us to have a stronger, future relationship with Assad’s eventual successor.  Replacing Assad in Syria is critical to regional stability, a major blow to the Iranian regime and will bolster our national security interests.


“The Obama Administration, and the world at large, is fiddling while Syria burns.  I hope we don’t end up regretting our inaction.”



Jul 13 2012

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) made this statement on the letter sent by Republican leaders in the House and Senate to President Obama. The Republicans encouraged President Obama to work with them to prevent devastating sequestration cuts which are scheduled to go into effect in 2013.

Jul 13 2012

Washington– U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC), John McCain (R-AZ) and Joe Lieberman (I-CT) today released the following joint statement regarding the situation in Syria:

“Today's extremely disturbing report in the Wall Street Journal that the Assad regime may be moving chemical weapons could have profound consequences for U.S. policy toward Syria. We have every reason to expect the worst of Assad and his forces, who are killing more people in Syria now than at any time in the conflict. First and foremost it is essential to determine whether this report is accurate, and if Assad is in fact moving chemical weapons, where and why they are being moved. We urge the Administration to brief Congress on what is known as soon as possible.

“If Assad is transferring chemical weapons from secure sites to the battlefield, it significantly raises the risks that they will be used or that control over these weapons could be compromised. These are unacceptable risks for the United States and the entire international community, and they would threaten our vital national security interests.

“If accurate, this would mean that the Assad regime cannot be trusted to exercise responsible stewardship over its weapons of mass destruction, and that allowing them to remain in Assad's hands presents a clear threat, not only to civilians in Syria but to international peace and security. If that is the case, the Administration should convene an urgent session of the UN Security Council to consider a Chapter 7 resolution demanding that Assad relinquish his weapons of mass destruction to responsible international control – and authorizing the use of all necessary means to enforce this demand. If Russia and China stand in the way, the United States must rally our friends and allies to act.

“Ultimately, this latest report adds new urgency to the need to end the rule of Assad and his top lieutenants. This report on chemical weapons, combined with another report on a mass slaughter in Tremseh, paints a picture of Syria continuing to spiral out of control.

“The longer this conflict grinds on, the worse it gets for the people of Syria and increasingly for the entire international community. According to some estimates, as many as 17,000 lives have been lost. Assad has clearly shown that he will stop at nothing to crush the Syrian opposition. Does anyone doubt this regime has the capacity to turn some of the world’s worst weapons on its own people? After every mass atrocity that is committed in the world, good people pledge ‘never again’ – that next time we will be ready, and we will have the resolve to act to prevent mass atrocities that we see gathering. Now is that time in Syria, and we urge the Administration to respond accordingly."


Jul 03 2012

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today released the following statement on the agreement between the United States and Pakistan to reopen supply lines critical to coalition forces in Afghanistan.


Graham said:


“Today’s announcement by Secretary Clinton that Pakistan has agreed to reopen supply lines flowing into Afghanistan is welcome news and will greatly assist our war efforts. I am very pleased we were able to resolve this situation and am hopeful we can now build stronger relationships with Pakistan; particularly in the area of counterterrorism operations.  These supply lines are essential to supporting our troops in Afghanistan and I believe the terms and conditions negotiated by Secretary Clinton’s team are acceptable to American interests throughout the region.


“This agreement is a good step in the right direction, but more has to be done between the United States and Pakistan in the area of counterterrorism.  The drone attacks against terrorist enclaves on the Pakistan side of the border have seriously damaged terrorist networks seeking refuge in the tribal areas and such attacks must continue.  If the Pakistani military intelligence services would engage in aggressive efforts to combat terrorism in coordination with coalition forces, it would tremendously enhance our successes in Afghanistan, provide stability to the Pakistani government, and eventually a better life for people on both sides of the border.”



Jun 29 2012

This weekend South Carolina will lay to rest three of her finest, Lt. Ryan Davis Rawl of Lexington, Sgt. 1st Class Brad Thomas of Easley, and Sgt. John "J.D." David Meador, II of Columbia. They were brave young men, with loving families, who volunteered to fight for their country.  

Jun 26 2012

Attorney General Holder Should Immediately Appoint Special Counsel to Investigate Leaks

"The numerous national security leaks reportedly originating out of the Executive Branch in recent months have been stunning."

Citing an ‘avalanche' of' national security leaks originating out of the Executive Branch 31 senators have written to Attorney General Eric Holder requesting he immediately appoint a special counsel, free from the appearance of a politics or undue influence, to investigate the matter.

Jun 22 2012

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senators John McCain (R-AZ), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), all members of the Senate Armed Services Committee, released the following statement today regarding the impending across-the-board defense sequestration cuts that, unless Congress and the Administration act, will begin on January 2, 2013:


“We commend the National Association of Manufacturers on releasing its new report.  Given Secretary Panetta’s repeated warnings and the grave threat sequestration poses to our troops and our national security, we cannot wait until after the election to stop these cuts.  NAM’s report is a wakeup call to Congress and the Administration that we must act now, or we risk dangerously undermining our national security and causing the loss of more than one million good American jobs.”


The new National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) report finds that the budget caps and sequestration cuts beginning on January 2, 2013, will result in the following:


  • More than 1 million private sector jobs, including 130,000 manufacturing jobs, will be lost in 2014;
  • GDP will be almost 1 percent lower by 2014;
  • Total job losses will increase unemployment by 0.7 percent.


NAM’s report echoes similar findings in recent studies by the Aerospace Industries Association, the Bipartisan Policy Center, and the Center for Security Policy.


On Thursday, at the National Press Club, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta said, “One [of] my greatest concerns as secretary is the dysfunction that we see in Washington.” Referring to the impending defense sequestration cuts and the inability of the Administration and Congress thus far to find a solution, Secretary Panetta said, “It threatens our security and it raises questions about the capacity of our democracy to respond to crisis. Secretary Panetta said, “The Department of Defense is facing a crisis What I fear -- and I think this is a real fear -- is that both Republicans and Democrats alike will simply kick the can down the road.”



Jun 15 2012

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) continued his efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, yesterday in the Senate Appropriations Committee.  Graham’s amendment prohibited the IRS from using funds to implement the individual mandate, a key provision in Obamacare.  The Graham Amendment was defeated by a vote of 14 to 16.


“Obamacare is a financial disaster for our nation.  It raises costs, lowers the quality of care, and will result in health care rationing.  Whether it’s an outright repeal, a state-based ‘opt-out’, delaying implementation of its major provisions, or this amendment to prohibit funding, I will continue to use every tool in the toolbox to repeal and replace Obamacare.

The Supreme Court is expected to rule on the constitutionality of Obamacare later this month.

