Jul 24 2009

U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) and Joe Lieberman (ID-Connecticut) lauded the Senate's adoption of their amendment expressing the sense of Congress that members of Al Qaeda and other terrorists captured on the battlefield should be tried by military commissions rather than in federal courts.

Jul 23 2009

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) tonight made this statement on President Obama's press conference on health care reform. 

"Simply put, President Obama's 'My way or the Highway' approach to health care reform is not going to work.

Jul 21 2009

WASHINGTON- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today said he will support an amendment offered by Senator John Thune (R-South Dakota) providing reciprocity to concealed carry permit holders in South Carolina and across the country.

Jul 15 2009

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today introduced and
pledged his support for Mignon Clyburn’s nomination to the Federal
Communications Commission.  Clyburn was nominated by President Obama. 

“She is an outstanding
choice for this position.  Mignon has the intellect and experience to
excel in one of the most important jobs in the country.  Her service on
the South Carolina Public Service Commission will serve her well in her
new position on the federal level.  I look forward to supporting her
confirmation to the Commission.”

Jul 13 2009

"Well, thank you. I've learned something already, the Schumer conservative standard. And we'll -- we'll see how that works.

No Republican would have chosen you, Judge; that's just the way it is. We would have picked Miguel Estrada. We would all have voted for him. And I don't think anybody on that side would have voted for Judge Estrada, who is a Honduran immigrant, who came to this country as a teenager, graduated from Columbia magna cum laude, Harvard, 1986, magna cum laude and Law Review editor, a stellar background like yours, and that's just the way it was.

Jul 10 2009

WASHINGTON, DC --  Yesterday, the Senate again passed the Graham-Lieberman Detainee Photographic Records Protection Act as an amendment to the Homeland Security appropriations bill. This measure would prevent the release of photos of past abuse of detainees in US custody.  This is the third time the measure has been adopted by the Senate. Last month, the Senate unanimously adopted this legislation and the measure was also previously passed by the Senate in the supplemental appropriations bill but removed in conference.

“We are pleased that the Senate once again adopted this bill that would protect our troops, but it is imperative that it now becomes law.  If the House of Representatives does not act and these photos are released, the lives of our troops will be in jeopardy.  Don’t just take our word for it – listen to the concerns expressed by Generals David Petraeus and Ray Odierno who have stated that release of the photos would endanger American troops; destabilize Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan; and serve as a terrorist recruiting tool just like the 2004 photos did.

“A legislative solution is the most definitive way to bring the issue of the ACLU lawsuit to an end.  The courts would also view it as the strongest action instead of solely relying on an executive order.”

Graham and Lieberman continued, “Overwhelming majorities in the Senate and the House and the President have now made it clear that these photos should not be released.  There should be no further delay because we have no greater responsibility as public officials than to protect the brave Americans who go into harm’s way to defend our security and freedom.”


Jul 09 2009

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made this statement on news that Judge Karen Williams will retire from the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals.  Since 2007 she has served as the Circuit’s Chief Judge.

“I was very sad to hear that Judge Williams is retiring from the 4th Circuit.  Judge Williams is the epitome of a well-reasoned jurist.  She understands the difference between upholding the law and a judge making law. 

“Judge Williams enjoyed tremendous respect from her judicial colleagues, the lawyers who appeared before her, and the public at large.  Judge Williams is a role model for a jurist and citizen.  We will be praying for her and her family in the days ahead.”


Jun 26 2009

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made this statement.

“I support Governor Sanford’s decision to ‘refocus on the work at hand’ and his efforts to ‘rebuild the trust’ committed to him over the last 18 months of his term.

“I have always believed many aspects of his reform agenda are needed and, if enacted, would serve our state well in years to come. 

“However, Mark’s ability to govern will not only require him to reconcile with his family, but also with the people of South Carolina and their elected officials in the General Assembly.  Governor Sanford needs to seek and find common ground with the General Assembly on a reform agenda to serve our state.  From my experience, most people, including elected officials, are capable of working with those who have failed and are flawed when it benefits the common good.

“There is no debate that Mark’s actions, personal and professional, were inappropriate and deeply hurtful.  He has admitted to his mistakes and taken responsibility for his actions. 

“As a close friend of Jenny and Mark and godfather of their youngest child, I understand the damage that has been done is deep and real.  I know Mark wants to reconcile with his family.  I hope and pray that is possible.

“Second chances in life are not guaranteed or required.  But if they are afforded they can be a real blessing.”


Jun 24 2009

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made this statement.

“I’ve been a close friend of Mark and Jenny since our election to Congress in 1994.  Like all of their friends, I want the best for their family and hope they can repair the damage.  I will provide any personal support I can.

“Jenny and Mark have four wonderful boys.  The Sanford family needs time and space to work through their challenges.  I hope they are afforded that opportunity.

“As for the future, I hope Mark will reconcile with his family and can continue serving as our state's governor.”


Jun 23 2009

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made this statement on the Iranian situation after President Obama's press conference.