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In The News

November 23, 2017 In The News

Long Island, NY - October 23, 2017 - Congressman Lee Zeldin (R, NY-1) released the following statement today to express his support for U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions designating MS-13 as a new focus within the Justice Department’s Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces.

November 1, 2017 In The News

U.S. Representative Lee Zeldin joined 19 of his fellow Republican colleagues and every Democrat in opposing a budget resolution that was approved by a slim margin in the U.S. House of Representatives last week, paving the way for tax reform legislation—and then met with Vice President Mike Pence on Tuesday to underscore his objections to a section of the budget deal.

October 31, 2017 In The News

Long Island, NY - October 31, 2017 - All around the nation, gang violence has affected us in a most tragic and unforgiving way. It has torn apart families, claimed countless lives, and turned once peaceful communities into dangerous neighborhoods. The Central American gang MS-13 in particular has caused irreparable and devastating harm, especially for us here on Long Island.

October 25, 2017 In The News

WASHINGTON – Several Republicans in New York and New Jersey, upset at plans to eliminate state and local state deductions in the federal tax overhaul, say they will reject a budget bill Thursday that’s needed to kick start tax reform.

“I’m voting no,” Rep. Peter King (R-L.I.) told The Post.

October 24, 2017 In The News

House Republican leaders are in a mad dash to resolve a dispute between GOP tax writers and Republicans from high-tax states that has the potential to make Thursday's budget vote a real nail-biter.

October 16, 2017 In The News

Governor Andrew Cuomo on Tuesday told the U.S. Secretary of Commerce that the state will sue the Department of Commerce and fishery regulatory bodies if changes aren’t made to the fluke quota, which he says hurt New York’s economy and commercial fishing families.

October 9, 2017 In The News

President Trump should not recertify the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), otherwise known as the Iran Nuclear Deal. The JCPOA is not in America’s best interests. This so-called “deal” isn’t a pathway for how to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. It is a blueprint for exactly how Iran can acquire a nuclear weapon.

September 29, 2017 In The News

The head of the House Committee on Veterans Affairs came to Long Island for an up-close look at the troubled Northport VA Medical Center Thursday, saying the facility should “find the right size” to address maintenance problems straining its budget and impacting patient care.

September 26, 2017 In The News

WASHINGTON – The ITEM Coalition and 32 national consumer and clinical organizations have sent a letter to leaders in the House of Representatives, asking them to pass a bill that would halt competitive bidding-related prices for accessories for complex rehab manual wheelchairs.
