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When helping a community respond to a natural disaster, relief should be directed to those who need it the most. That was the message of U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., during a U.S. Senate Finance Taxation and IRS Oversight Subcommittee hearing held today examining current and proposed tax relief for areas affected by natural disasters.

Recalling his time as a former mayor, Enzi spoke on the lessons he learned helping his hometown and surrounding communities recover from a variety of disasters.

“I have always believed that responses to disasters should be guided and directed by those closest to the folks back home -- their elected officials on the local and state level,” said Enzi. “They are the ones who know best how to respond to a disaster in a way that is both supportive for those affected and mindful of our limited financial resources.”

Enzi said that along with ensuring that corresponding tax benefits go to those who need it, most tax changes should also only exist for a limited period of time and should come with standards of accountability so expenses can be tracked and monitored both in how they are being used and their effectiveness.

“A sound response requires that we balance on the one hand our limited government resources with the needs of the community. We strive to preserve this equilibrium to make sure that the government over time can respond equitably to those having suffered losses now or in the future, in a sustainable pattern,” said Enzi.

Click here to watch a video from the hearing.