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U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., is pleased he will start his fourth term in January in a Senate majority, but he commended all who have made sacrifices trying to improve how our country is governed.

“I commend everyone who takes the time to help our country make important decisions on leadership at every level- local, state and federal.  I especially commend all those who have the courage to put their name on a ballot.  It takes real courage to make your ideas and yourself open to intense public scrutiny.  I appreciate the passion of the candidates and their supporters no matter how they finish because we all want to make the world a better place, even if we may disagree on how to achieve that goal. 

“I was so pleased to see people in other states saying the same thing I believe Wyoming people have been saying for a long time. They want a functional Senate.  They want people who care more about governing than staying in government.  They are sending representatives to Washington and state halls who have promised to send back some of the power and freedoms that have been taken.

“The people of Wyoming have given me their confidence once again and I will not only work hard, but I will continue to work smart to continue to earn their support.”