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Take the time to thank veterans for their willingness to serve. That was the message of U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., and his wife Diana as they join our nation in paying tribute to America’s veterans. The Enzi’s issued the following statement to commemorate this special day.  

 “Each year on Veterans Day we take a moment to reflect upon the blessings we have received as citizens of this great nation. One of our greatest gifts – our American way of life – comes to us from the words of our Founding Fathers and the actions of our veterans. Without them both we would have never been able to experience the rights and freedoms that make us Americans.

“Our Founding Fathers knew what a difficult and dangerous path they had taken with their decision to establish the United States of America. They knew that their future – and ours – would forever rest in the ability of those brave Americans who would be called upon to defend us from our enemies and keep us safe from harm.

“Down through the years our veterans have established a proud legacy with their service. Their mission to keep our country strong and free has taken them all over the world. Now the torch of freedom that our veterans have so proudly carried has been passed to a new generation of heroes – those who currently serve in our military. What our Founding Fathers wrote in proud, bold terms continues to be protected and defended by our veterans so it will be available to current and future generations of Americans.

“That’s why this is a good day to thank all the veterans you know for their willingness to serve. Because of them we have grown and prospered as a nation – and we will continue to do so.  We join with the people of Wyoming and all Americans in expressing our great pride in all those who serve – or have served – in our armed forces. God bless them and their families.”