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Honorable Mark Sanford

Representing the 1st District of South Carolina

Government Transparency Group Scores Sanford #2 in Congress

Nov 19, 2018
Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, Representative Mark Sanford was honored by Open the Books, a government transparency group devoted to disclosing all governmental spending, as the second most transparent Representative for the 115th Congress. At 96%, Rep. Sanford is one of only seven Representatives to have received an 'A' rating.

He released the following statement:

“I’m honored that Open the Books recognized my work to make the federal government as transparent as possible. I think this starts at the individual, Representative level and continues on up the chain to the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. This is why I’ve consistently posted vote explanations to Facebook and held Town Halls, Neighborhood Office Hours, Coffees with your Congressman, and Open Doors After 4. And it’s also why I’ve sponsored the Federal Employee Bonus Disclosure Act, which would make all federal government employee bonuses publicly available and would require reports to Congress on any performance-based bonuses over $10,000.  

“Indeed, sunlight is the greatest of disinfectants...and it's a most vital disinfectant in the world of policy and politics. If government ideas and costs are known and understood, they have a way of being scrutinized and examined in a way that ideas kept from the taxpayer do not.”

Open the Books developed a Congressional Transparency Scorecard based on 14 votes from the 115th congressional session and legislation sponsorship. See Open the Book’s full congressional scorecard and further analysis here.