
Hours before the big tax reform vote…

This morning, House Republican Conference Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) joined Fox News’s America’s Newsroom to preview today’s historic vote on pro-family, pro-growth tax reform and President Trump’s visit to Capitol Hill. Chair McMorris Rodgers shared with Sandra Smith the once-in-a-generation nature of this vote, and the excitement felt across the country that relief is on the way.

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Catch the whole interview here:

Highlights from the Chair’s interview:

“This is an important day as we pass tax relief to the American people, to everyone in this country. Individuals, small businesses, they will be seeing their tax burden lifted. Also today, I will be hosting President Trump as he comes and meets, does the final push with the House Republicans. It will be great to have him right before we go to the floor and actually cast our votes for this tax relief measure.”

“This is a major priority for the Republicans. We want individuals, families, hard working men and women all across this country to have an opportunity for a better life, and part of it is through tax relief. As we create more jobs – we’ve seen too many jobs going overseas – as we lift those people, give them a better life, increase paychecks, that take home pay, that is what this is about. And so, it’s a very important day for the American people, and I think [President Trump] wants to be a part of it.”

“Doubling of the standard deduction – the first $24,000 being tax free – when you look at small business rates being the lowest since World War II, they’re our job creators. 70-80% of new jobs in this country come from small businesses, and we want those businesses to start and to grow and expand here in America.”

“People need to look at the plan. They can go to They can join us via text messaging if they would like. All they have to do is text TAX REFORM to 50589. Look at the details. This is a plan that we’ve been working on…for years….it’s been 31 years since we’ve had tax reform and…we are excited to push this across the finish line.