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Currently the RPC’s membership is comprised of 63 members of the House.  The Committee’s membership is set forth by the Conference Rules (Rule 22):

  • One Member elected from each region, State, or group of States under the Steering Committee structure;
  • Two Members elected by the sophomore class and one Member elected by the freshman class;
  • The entire House Republican Leadership
  • One Member from each standing committee of the House appointed by the Speaker; and,
  • Other members appointed by the Speaker

House Leadership
Committee Chairs
Class Leadership
Regional Representatives
Class Leadership Representatives
Committee Appointments
At-Large Members


House Leadership

Speaker Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin
Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California Majority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana
Conference Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington Policy Committee Chair Luke Messer of Indiana

NRCC Chair Steve Stivers of Ohio

Conference Vice Chair Doug Collins of Georgia

Conference Secretary Jason Smith of Missouri Chief Deputy Whip Patrick McHenry of North Carolina

Committee Chairs

Pete Sessions of Texas--Chair of the Committee on Rules  Kevin Brady of Texas--Chair of the Committee on Ways and Means 
Rodney Freylinghuysen of New Jersey--Chair of the Committee on Appropriations  Diane Black of Tennessee--Chair of the Committee on the Budget 
Greg Walden of Oregon--Chair of the Committee on Energy and Commerce   

Class Leadership

Mimi Walters of California--Sophomore Class leadership representative 
Paul Mitchell of Michigan--Freshman Class leadership representative 

Regional Representatives

Elise Stefanik of New York—Region 1 and Millenial Task Force Chair Brett Guthrie of Kentucky—Region 2
Evan Jenkins of West Virginia—Region 3  Austin Scott of Georgia—Region 4
Gary Palmer of Alabama—Region 5 Jackie Walorski of Indiana—Region 6
Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin—Region 7 Rick Crawford of Alabama—Region 8
Marwayne Mullin of Oklahoma—Region 9 Don Young of Alaska—Region 10
Mia Love of Utah—Region 11 Jenniffer Gonzalez of Puerto Rico—Small State Region
Blake Farenthold of Texas—Texas Region I Randy Weber of Texas—Texas Region II  
John Rutherford of Florida—Florida Region Ed Royce of California—California Region
G.T. Thompson of Pennslyvania—Pennslyvania Region Brad Wenstrup of Ohio—Ohio Region

Class Leadership Representatives

Drew Ferguson of Georgia—Freshman class John Katko of New York—Sophomore class
Martha McSally of Arizona—Sophomore class and Women in the Workforce Chair  

Committee Appointments 

Jodey Arrington of Texas—Committee on Agriculture Chris Stewart of Utah—Committee on Appropriations
Mike Coffman of Colorado—Committee on Armed Services Dave Brat of Virginia—Committee on the Budget
Glenn Grothman of Wisconsin—Committee on Education and the Workforce Morgan Griffith of Virginia—Committee on Energy and Commerce
French Hill of Arkansas—Committee on Financial Services Joe Wilson of South Carolina—Committee on Foreign Affairs
Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennslyvania—Committee on Homeland Security Raul Labrador of Idaho—Committee on Judiciary
Bruce Westerman of Arkansas—Committee on Natural Resources Jim Jordan of Ohio—Committee on the Judiciary
Dennis Ross of Florida—Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Steve Knight of Califronia—Committee on Small Business
Jeff Denham of California—Committee on Rules Randy Hultgren of Illinois—Committee on Science, Space, and Technology
Mike Bost of Illinois—Committee on Veterans Affairs Dave Schweikert of Arizona—Committee on Ways and Means

At-Large Members

Barbara Comstock of Virginia Keith Rothfus of Pennslyvania
Susan Brooks of Indiana Dave Reichert of Washington
Bruce Poliquin of Maine Tom Reed of New York