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Thursday, December 20th

Dec 20, 2018
Legislative Digest

2 Postponed Suspensions

1) H.R. 6602 - To reauthorize the New Jersey Coastal Heritage Trail Route, and for other purposes (PDF)

Sponsor: Rep. Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ) | Natural Resources Committee

Topline Summary: This bill would reauthorize the co-management of the New Jersey Coastal Heritage Trail Route by NPS and New Jersey and extend authority for only technical assistance, signs and preparation of a revised strategic plan through 2025. 

2) Concurring in the Senate Amendment to H.R. 2606 - Stigler Act Amendments of 2018 (PDF)

Sponsor: Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK) | Natural Resources Committee

Topline Summary: This bill amends the Stigler Act to revise qualifications that need to be met by a person who inherits land originally allotted to members of the Five Civilized Tribes of Oklahoma for that land to remain in restricted status (not subject to taxation and cannot be sold or transferred without permission of the Secretary of the Interior). 

35 Suspensions 

Given the limited advance notice regarding the consideration of the below suspensions, the RPC staff was unable to complete typical legislative digest summary documents for the following bills before their expected consideration on the House Floor. 

1) Concurring in the Senate Amendment to the House Amendment to S. 756 - First Step Act of 2018

Sponsor: Sen. Chuck Grassley | Judiciary Committee

2) House Amendment to S. 3661 - 75th Anniversary of World War II Commemoration Act

Sponsor: Sen. James Inhofe | Armed Services Committee

3) S. 2679 - Veterans Small Business Enhancement Act

Sponsor: Sen. Tammy Duckworth | Small Business Committee

4) H.R. 7227 - Taxpayer First Act of 2018, as amended

Sponsor: Rep. Lynn Jenkins | Ways and Means Committee

5) Concurring in the Senate Amendment to H.R. 4227 - Vehicular Terrorism Prevention Act of 2019

Sponsor: Rep. Bob Latta | Homeland Security Committee

6) S. 2652 - Stephen Michael Gleason Congressional Gold Medal Act

Sponsor: Sen. Bill Cassidy | Financial Services Committee

7) S. 2765 - RBIC Advisers Relief Act of 2018

Sponsor: Sen. John Kennedy | Financial Services Committee

8) Concurring in the Senate Amendment to H.R. 5509 - Innovations in Mentoring, Training, and Apprenticeships Act

Sponsor: Rep. Kevin McCarthy | Science, Space, and Technology Committee

9) S. 7 - NASA Enhanced Use Leasing Extension Act of 2018

Sponsor: Sen. Roger Wicker | Science, Space, and Technology Committee

10) S. 2200 - National Integrated Drought Information System Reauthorization Act of 2018

Sponsor: Sen. John Thune | Science, Space, and Technology Committee

11) H.R. 7328 - Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2018

Sponsor: Rep. Susan Brooks |  Energy and Commerce Committee

12) Concurring in the Senate Amendment to H.R. 767 - SOAR to Health and Wellness Act of 2018

Sponsor: Rep. Steve Cohen | Energy and Commerce Committee

13) S. 2322 - Codifying Useful Regulatory Definitions Act

Sponsor: Sen. Ron Johnson | Energy and Commerce Committee

14) H.R. 6418 - VA Website Accessibility Act of 2018, as amended

Sponsor: Rep. Elizabeth Esty | Veterans Affairs Committee

15) S. 3444 - To designate the community-based outpatient clinic of the Department of Veterans Affairs in Lake Charles, Louisiana, as the Douglas Fournet Department of Veterans Affairs Clinic.

Sponsor: Sen. Bill Cassidy | Veterans Affairs Committee

16) S. 3777 - Forever GI Bill Housing Payment Fulfillment Act of 2018

Sponsor: Sen. John Boozman | Veterans Affairs Committee

17) H.R. 7293 - To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 770 Ayrault Road in Fairport, New York, as the Louise and Bob Slaughter Post Office.

Sponsor: Rep. Joseph Morelle | Oversight and Government Reform Committee

18) S. 2276 - GAO-IG Act

Sponsor: Sen. Todd Young | Oversight and Government Reform Committee

19) S. 3031 - Federal Personal Property Management Act of 2018

Sponsor: Sen. Gary Peters | Oversight and Government Reform Committee

20) H.R. 3191 - No Cyber Cooperation with Russia Act

Sponsor: Rep. Brendan Boyle | Foreign Affairs Committee

21) H.Res. 1063 - Designating room H–226 of the United States Capitol as the "Lincoln Room"

Sponsor: Rep. Darin LaHood | Transportation and Infrastructure Committee

22) H.R. ____ - To make technical corrections to provisions of law enacted by the Frank LoBiondo Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2018, and for other purposes

Sponsor: Rep. Bill Shuster | Transportation and Infrastructure Committee

23) H.R. 7318 - To amend the Federal Assets Sale and Transfer Act of 2016 to ensure that the Public Buildings Reform Board has adequate time to carry out the responsibilities of the Board, and for other purposes

Sponsor: Rep. Lou Barletta | Transportation and Infrastructure Committee

24) H.R. 7319 - To amend the Federal Assets Sale and Transfer Act of 2016 to provide flexibility with respect to the leaseback of certain Federal real property, and for other purposes

Sponsor: Rep. Lou Barletta | Transportation and Infrastructure Committee

25) S. 3367 - Department of Transportation Reports Harmonization Act

Sponsor: Sen. John Thune | Transportation and Infrastructure Committee

26) H.R. 5075 - Ashanti Alert Act of 2018, as amended

Sponsor: Rep. Scott Taylor | Judiciary Committee

27) H.R. 7093 - Clean Up the Code Act of 2018

Sponsor: Rep. Steve Chabot | Judiciary Committee

28) S. 2896 - JACK Act

Sponsor: Sen. John Kennedy | Judiciary Committee

29) S. 2961 - Victims of Child Abuse Act Reauthorization Act of 2018

Sponsor: Sen. Roy Blunt | Judiciary Committee

30) S. 3461 - AMBER Alert Nationwide Act of 2018

Sponsor: Sen. Brian Schatz | Judiciary Committee

31) Concurring in the Senate Amendment to H.R. 2200 - Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Reauthorization Act of 2018

Sponsor: Rep. Christopher Smith | Foreign Affairs Committee

32) S. 1158 - Elie Wiesel Genocide and Atrocities Prevention Act of 2018

Sponsor: Sen. Ben Cardin | Foreign Affairs Committee

33) S. 1580 - Protecting Girls’ Access to Education in Vulnerable Settings Act

Sponsor: Sen. Marco Rubio | Foreign Affairs Committee

34) S. 1862 - Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2017, as amended

Sponsor: Sen. Bob Corker | Foreign Affairs Committee

35) S. 3247 - Women’s Entrepreneurship and Economic Empowerment Act of 2018

Sponsor: Sen. John Boozman | Foreign Affairs Committee

2 Rule Bills 

1) House Amendment to Senate Amendment to H.R. 88 - Retirement, Savings, and Other Tax Relief Act of 2018 and the Taxpayer First Act of 2018, Rules Committee Print (PDF)

Sponsor: Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) | Ways and Means Committee

Topline Summary: This bill delays several of the Affordable Care Act taxes, includes retirement and other savings enhancements, repeals the Johnson Amendment and the tax-exempt entity “parking” tax, includes provisions to redesign the Internal Revenue Service, and provides tax relief provisions for individuals and businesses affected by wildfires in California, Hurricanes Florence and Michael, typhoons and volcanoes in the Pacific, and severe storms in several states.  

2) Concurring in the Senate Amendment to H.R. 695 - Further Additional Continuing Appropriations Act, 2019 (PDF)

Sponsor: Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL) | Appropriations Committee

Topline Summary: This bill continues appropriations through February 8, 2019, for FY19 appropriations measures that have not yet been enacted (Agriculture, Commerce-Justice-Science, Financial Services, Homeland Security, Interior-Environment, State-Foreign Operations, Transportation-HUD).

115th Congress